You're all right of course. Scales ... the devils work!
I've got my weigh in tomorrow and what will be will be so I'm not stressing over it. If it's a pound, yay ... if it's 2 pounds yayyyy
First things first ... my Uni results for creative writing (my poetry).
Drum roll ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
two marks ... 72% and 78%

That's a 'first' level. I'm especially chuffed because it's my own poetry and it got a high mark. It was like a validation of my creativity IYKWIM.
There was some pretty 'heavy duty' stuff in there but it seemed to go down well with the tutor (who is herself a published poet).
After Uni I had to go to DD4's school for parents evening. I got stuck on the M27 in one spot for over an hour because of an accident so had to rush straight to the school. Didn't get home til 7pm so it's been a long, long day.
Diet-wise ... a good day. I had a bar at lunch then, for dinner tonight, made a vegetable bake with broccolli, cauli and some green beans. Steamed them first then made up a leek and potato CD soup with less water. Blended some of the veggies in to thicken then poured over the rest of the veggies in an oven-proof dish. I sprinkled a TINY amount of grated cheese on top (10g) and a little paprika then baked in the over for 15 mins. It was gorgeous ... and filling.
For dessert was my favourite ... CD choc orange mousse.
Thanks for the support everyone - I truly appreciate it