We are slowly getting it sorted but its just another thing in my life thats going wrong
Have had this migraine now for 3 days and my diet is going out of the window!
So far- I have eaten:
Tea with Skimmed Milk (HEA)
Low Calorie Tonic Water (Lemon/Lime)
Heinz Baked Beans
1 Tbsp Brown Sauce (1 Syn)
1 Slice White Bread (3.5 Syns)
No fruit or veg
Looking at dinner:
Mixed Salad- Tomatoes, Lettuce, Cucumber, Mushrooms, Pickled Onions/Gherkins, Pepper
400g Tin Heinz Macaroni Cheese (6 Syns)
Mullerlight with Frozen Fruit
WI Tomorrow!!!!! Need to be careful!