RuthHarris - Just keep swimming!!

I have put 1.5lb on! Surprised as I expected more! We can do this!!!!!
Well 2.5lb off today! its going in the right direction!
Well had a bad week and paid for it, put 4lb last night! Cant recover is this week with two xmas do's but i do know next week when i weigh in i will draw a line under it and start again!!! :(
Well today was the last straw! Been using the party days as an excuse, thinking i would draw a line under it on wednesday and carry on! But then i thought thats two more days of me binging and thinking 'what the hell the week is already ruined'.


I am getting weighed tonight at another of my consultants groups and having an extra long week this week to kick start myself! I have gotta get this weight off and want at least 2 1/2 stone by the end of jan! thats 9lbs away ish! I can do this!!!!!!!!!!!
sorry to hear you've had a bad week, I haven't had the best week myself and managed to put on 7lbs in 10 days :eek:
it's weird how you think eating all that food will make you feel better but reality is it makes you feel worse.
I hope you get back on track and get back to feeling better xx
It has done exactly that, made me feel terrible! I'm tired again and my guts are going mad in protest! urgh! So not worth it!!!
Hello.... sorry i've not been around for a few weeks.
Theres been a lot going on here, a good friend lost her mum, and my fella been in hospital for a couple of days.. he's ok back in work tomoz.

anyway since i last posted, i havent been good throughout all these bad things (when my hubby was in hosp i just ate takeaways, as he is my cook lol), so the diet totally crashed, but got back on it last monday, weighed in to assess the damage and lost a pound?!? :)

this monday i weighed in and lost 2 pound :D so maybe i needed a little rest from dieting. who knows. all i know is that i'll try and be good up to xmas now and after xmas, and hopefully limit the damage.

im glad i got back on the 'diet wagon' tho i'm sure i wouldnt have kept losing with what i've been eating etc.

glad you are focused too, lets get this last little hurdle of xmas over with and focus our strengths for the end of jan.:family2:
Xmas is being the hardest, i am struggling but determined to get back on track properly, even if its a new years start!!
I feel like i am sneaking back in with my head hung in shame! Been so busy and with all the xmas partying i have managed to put on 9lb in 4 weeks. Today i get back on it because i was well on my way to 2 and a half stone and now just under 1 and a half stone and it isnt good enough. Its my fault i know and only i can get back on track, and i will! Come on WE CAN DO THIS!!!!
Well had my first weigh in of the new year on wednesday and i'd lost 2.5lbs!! Woo back on track! We can do this Kel!!

So thats 2.5lbs off the 9 i had put on over xmas, get the other 6.5lbs off then i can carry on to a slimmer summer!!!
2lb on this week! argh!!!
Its going to be bad this week too, had the week from hell this weeks and SW has been the furthest thing from my mind! :(
Well i hit a huge stumbling block. My step dad died a few weeks ago so been silent and not on the plan at all. Total weight gain since beginning of december is 13lbs. I am joining a gym tomorrow with the hubby and i have signed myself up for the race for life in may! Gotta get going!