Hi. Pleased you're back and ok. Do u know what was causing the stomach problems?
Hope u managed to dodge any grief at work... Might as well have a silver lining to being poorly
I had a square of lasagne with smoked haddock and spinach on Sunday when I went for Sunday Dinner with my OHs family.
Its my own fault really- I have had problems with melted cheese for a few years so I never should have eaten it- it was the only yummy thing (in my opinion

) on the menu and it was so minute that im actually shocked!
They weren't impressed when I told them I was following this plan- I got the 'you're overweight, not eating properly if you did a stricter diet you would eat better' chat too!
Work was ridiculous,
In the meeting with ALL of the managers, one of them who was sat next to me said "SOMEONE left the door open into the leisure club on Friday night causing an individual to break in on Saturday morning, had they of fallen into the pool we would have been sued thanks to HER negligence" and looked at me...
Now, I am not an angry or upset person but I felt like rubbish and wasn't impressed so I said that if they think that after nearly four years I would leave a fire exit open from a Leisure Club that is situated in the middle of Harrogate and jeopardise my career/life then they really had the wrong person. Everyone went quiet after that as I don't really speak out much I just get on with my work.
Said Manager who was nasty then started saying about disciplinary procedures but my regional manager told her to shut up and then started talking about training courses for me in the future...
Professionalism... WHAT PROFESSIONALISM?!?!?!
Anyway, I then went home, but really couldnt do anything so my OH took me to A&E and I was kept in overnight
Hope you're ok!