Gold Member
Oh Ruth what a nightmare. You go out your way to do a good job and that happen's. I hope your management can see that, but typical they want a scapegoat. Maybe there is a genuine reason your boss hasn't replied, I thought I'd upset my MIL last week cos she ignored my calls and texts. Turned out her phone was on silent and she couldn't find it and the battery had died while it was missing.
Hope your meeting is early so at least u can explain ASAP without having to worry all day.
That's mean of your OH. What poor excuse did he give? How long have u been together? He needs to do some serious groveling I think... Wine, flowers, treat u to pampering, etc
Hope your day turns out better than your expecting
We have been together six years in November- I have well and truly sorted him out- don't worry about that!!!
I just completely ignored him... it worked very well!
Hi Ruth,
Sorry to hear about your nightmare situation at work. Hope your meeting goes OK this morning. All you can do is be firm in your response that the door was fully closed when you left.
Men are funny creatures! I'd certainly be making him suffer for a couple of days.
WB x
Oh Im making him suffer
I have told the police and everyone- they can like it or lump it!!
Hi Ruth,
You said "he broke in" - I hope the police can verify that he did this. Also, if the door did not latch properly then it hold be discussed with facilities maintenance. I hope the meeting goes well. And let's hoe they discuss with the night person his neglect.
Re: What your OH did? I don't understand this at all. I'd want a good explanation - id be very suspicious. Does he have another girlfriend somewhere? Is he embarrassed by me for some reason? Men are lazy gits - what he did took effort - there must be a reason.
He's the youngest out of all of them and we have been together quite a while for our ages- I met him when I was 15!
All of his other mates are single... maybe he wanted to be 'one of the lads'
We are very open with each other and he has quite a few personality problems so I wonder if he was anxious?
Oh, Ruth....
Hope today isn't nearly as bad as you're fearing. Do you need us to send someone round to give your OH a smack? More than happy to volunteer!
I have already provided the smack... thanks though
Send Kate - she does kickboxing!!!!
Oooerrrr! Im worried now!!!
Awww Ruth, wish I could give you a real one but this will have to do :bighug:
I hope the meeting goes well for you in work but I do know how it feels, I won't go into it all but when I was on duty in a care home I worked in one of the residents decided to climb out of his window and go for a walkabout, as I was in charge I was blamed, I had done my hourly rounds , all security measures were taken, why he decided to climb out through his window I have no idea he was fully 'with it' but it turns out there should have been retainers on the windows but this was glanced over and I was made a scapegoat, unless I was in the room with him when it happened I had no way of knowing???? Anyway I left not long after as I lost all respect for those running the home for heaping the blame on me, if they had retainers he couldn't have got out???
Anyway I really hope they see sense and it all works out for you chick. As for your OH I assume these new mates are single? Perhaps they think its uncool to have a live in girlfriend, men are so much more immature than women. I would be cross with him though for trying to fit in with them![]()
Oh Jo thats awful :bighug:
You should never have been blamed!!
You have hit the nail on the head with my OH, youngest and only one with a Gf!
Sorry, Jo - I did mean to type Ruth's name in that post (what a dufus I am!) - must have confused you a bit!
Ruth hun hope the meeting went OK xx
Thanks!!!! I was VVVVVV cross by the end of it!!!
Line all these people up and we'll take our dd stress out on them :copon:
17 lost : 50 to goal
Tooo damn right! :whoopass: :whoopass:!!!!!
Poor you! Sounds horrible. How's your day going? I really hope they see your position at work rather than looking for a scapegoat
(on a separate, rather frivolous note, you're the first person I have ever "met" who doesn't like Sunday roasts!!!)
Thinking of you x
I just dont find them tasty lol!!!!! EEEEK! Maybe I shouldn't have kept my mouth shut
Im going to have to grow some b**ls at work and tell them what I really think
I'm getting out of here incase it's catching![]()
Hi Ruth. I'm propping my eyes open with matchsticks waiting to find out how things went for u at work today. I'm hoping no news is good news
Sorry for not replying eeeek!!! I am seeing my boss tomorrow so we will see.....
I'm waiting, too. I hope you're okay.
Im ok thanks Mel, sorry for not replying!
Morning my little chicken, been thinking of you, hope you are ok xxx
Hey Jo! Have missed you- Im ok thanks!! Hope you are too!
Good morning, I hope everything went ok yesterday x
On reflection it could have been a LOT worse... Thanks for the comment, hope you're ok!
Thinking of you. I hope you're well.
Thanks Mel- hope you're ok too!
Hi Ruth. Hope you are ok.
I need your Beavers expertise. My son only started Beavers after Easter when he had turned 6 years, but tonight he is becoming an official Beaver and they are having a little ceremony I believe. Then he will be allowed a scarf and woggle I think.
Does this process have a name? I'm sure it must have but I've been trawling the web and can't find what it is. Thanks
Its called being Invested!
He will get a necker a woggle and a set of badges as well as a certificate!
This is where they all go-
OOOOH getting worried now, hope you are OK xxx
Im good thanks Jo, hope that you and your family are well
I know, where r u? Xx
Im back now just been unwell
Earthhhhh to ruthhhh!!!?? Hope eveythings ok xxx
Im back Stef lol
Thanks for the replies and well wishes everyone
I am loved!