Ruthys CD diary

Thank u. It's definately getting easier with time, I've gone from thinking can I have my shake yet to 'oh I beta have my shake' except when I'm having a bar cause I love them and always look forward to them!!

Starting to feel so much beta now wearing some cropped trousers today that I haven't worn since summer 09!! So that's a great feeling plus everyone is beginning to notice now which def keeps me going when temptation strikes.xx
Haven't posted in a while! Still here and going strong although still tempted when see cooked dinners although not fussed by anything else. Lost 4lbs at wi this week whoop whoop!! So 1.5 St down. Pulled out loads of trousers that where right at back of wardrobe and tried them on and they all fit!! Amazing!! Got loads of clothes to wear again it just gets beta and beta!!
Got my 6th weigh in tonight bit pissed off as I don't think I've lost much been really bad with my water this week so only myself to blame!! Any way will post later with an update x
Well I lost a pound! Not amazing but at least it's going in the right direction. 21 pounds now in 6 weeks and I'm happy with that!! Need to drink my water this week cause I was rubbish with my water last week and it shows - the scales don't lie!!!
Thanks. It's such hard work getting it down sometimes! But it does make a difference to ur losses and your hunger I was starving last week and now I know why. How are u getting on generally? Keep glugging!!!
Well another 4lbs off this week. So pleased really hoped I'd get another 4. 11st 6 now so still a way to go but thinking that in 6lb's time I will be lighter than I've eva been (in my adult life). It's gonna be so exciting cause I have no idea what I'm gonna look like or how my clothes will fit etc. Bit scary too actually being able to see urself doing/achieving something u've dreamed of for so long. Is it really gonna be what I thought??!!

Anyway enough deep ramblings from me it's far too late. Night all and here's to another good week xx
Well I had a blip two nights ago!! Ate some chocolate was feeling a bit sorry for myself so ate it. And guess what it made me feel worse not beta!! But glad to say was good yest and plan to be good again today so in the long run no harm done.

Feeling really fat and miserable the last few days which is odd cause I'm the lowest I've been in 3 years and only a few pounds off the lowest I've ever been in my adult life. So I should be feeling great but instead keep thinking about how I'm only half way and still got so far to go!!

Well I'm still determined to keep going and not thinking of giving up at all so that's all good. Hopefully my mood will pick up soon.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day xxx
Well hello all,

Its been a while sorry. I'm still here tho and still ssing! Had another little slip up Sunday but been good since. I'm now 10.13 (11st offically and 32lbs lost) so at my lowest weight since I've been a grown up!! Which is nice and I'm half way with 2 stone left to go. This is my 10th week and I'm struggling a little but I'm not gonna give in. Wanna get to goal and I plan to be there soon.

Anyway just thought I'd check in and update myself, thanks for Reading xx
Confession of a naughty dieter!!

I've been very bad recently had my birthday off and it kind of extended to 5 days off!! Determined to get back on plan but it's proving pretty tough! Good news is I haven't gained any weight - don't ask me how cause I've been a pig, hoping it's not gonna come back and bite me in the butt in a few days! Well here's to day 1 on my restart 27lbs to go!! Xx