Sammies mummy and weight watching diary

Pregnant with baby no1 and trying not to gain too much!

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Ok nude bump and it's not a pretty sight!! Here you go though I put a 14 week pic in just for comparison .. What a difference a month makes!
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Awww lovely bump!!!

If you don't mind, going on your bump I'm going to make a prediction... looks like a girl bump to me ;) Nice and high up xxx
Pregnant with baby no1 and trying not to gain too much!

Thanks Hun I feel huge being so short with this massive Buddha belly lol .. I think some of it is bloat tbh though as I've felt bloated for a few days so hopefully it will come down slightly!
Eeek a little girl would be lovely ! Bf is hoping for a boy but i really don't mind either way x
Definitely a cute bump! x
Pregnant with baby no1 and trying not to gain too much!

Thanks Sarah its mad it's just popped up from nowhere all of a sudden lol xx
Hello my lovely x how are you getting on? :)
Pregnant with baby no1 and trying not to gain too much!

Hi Hun I'm good thank you :)
Had a very calorific weekend and weighed in this morning and am now 5lbs up from my bfp weight but I'm not too worried as I can see that my bump is getting bigger and I don't think I'm gaining weight anywhere else .
Started to get a few tiny stretch marks under my boobs :( booo have been using sanctuary mum to be oil but think I've been a bit lazy with it so am going to try and use it everyday from now on .
No movements from baby yet :( I keep dreaming that the baby is moving which is really odd but then I wake up and realise its just a dream! Also the dreams I have been having lately are completely bizarre two nights ago I dreamt that I went to dinner with my boyfriends ex and his mum and when I went to the loo his ex's mum ate my dinner ! Haha random or what and then last night I dreamt that all my teeth were falling out!
Working til 6.30 today .. Hate Mondays!!
Already on countdown til the weekend lol.
How are you doing ? X
I haven't had the bizarre dreams thing but have heard it's really common! I think my brain just does odd things to me when I'm awake instead lol ;)

Glad you're doing ok - a 5lb gain is nothing really and not long til your big scan :) xxx
Pregnant with baby no1 and trying not to gain too much!

I've always had weird dreams but since pregnancy they have just got weirder and weirder ! No nightmares though so that's good :)
Yep I can't wait for the scan it's on the 2nd December so I will be 20 weeks and 3 days ... can't wait to be in the twenties !
Pregnant with baby no1 and trying not to gain too much!

Just another little ( or big lol) bump picture ...
Can't believe how much it had grown!
Pregnant with baby no1 and trying not to gain too much!

Thanks Laura pinched the jumper off my mum seeming as nothing of mine fits lol xxx hope your okay today and getting lots of rest!
Awww what a lovely picture :) xxx
That's a cute bump!!! Love it x
Pregnant with baby no1 and trying not to gain too much!

Thank you everyone I'm starting to like having a bump now that it actually resembles a bump and not just a fat belly lol xxxx