I'm ok .. I've been working a bit more lately , it's hard leaving Ruby but really need the money and it's actually quite nice to be back working ive just got back into doing some supply TA work for primary schools so it's a nice job just very hard being away from my baby but it's in her best interest ..she turns 1 in April and I want to be able to spoil her! We've booked a little break at a caravan park for her bday which I'm excited about
I joined weight watchers on Saturday .. I had been doing it at home already but wasn't motivated so thought I'd join up properly and it's definately given me the kick up the bum I needed !
I've only done 3 days so far I'm really enjoying it but I just hope the scales reflect how hard I am working else I can see myself getting disheartened .. It's soooo hard not to jump on the scales everyday but I've made a rule that I'm only weighing in at group so must stick to it!!