25 years old.Vegetarian .Calorie Counter
Congrats to your OH hun! That's fab news!!And cake loooks sooo good! Can I have some?!
Thank you he's handing in his notice at his current job today so he's feeling abit nervous bless him.
Cake was yummy there's still half in the kitchen trying hard to resist it every time I go in there lol.
I'm absolutely shattered today I literally spent all of last night tossing and turning and just lying awake feeling very frustrated knowing I had to get up at 6.30am.
Luckily I don't have much to do at work this morning so hoping to have a chilled one before I have to do the nursery pick up at 1.
Weighed in this morning and had lost a pound which has pleased me taking my total gain so far down to 13lbs .. A bit more than I'd like to be at this stage but I can deal with that.
I don't have much else to report really .. Had a pretty boring weekend .. I'm looking forward to getting the keys to our new house on Friday so we can start getting furniture and getting everything ready for when we move in eeek!