Sammies mummy and weight watching diary

Ladies I need some advice ...

I know I'm probably just being paranoid but I really haven't felt right the last couple of days and I'm starting to worry just a teeny bit .

I don't know whether I'm just experiencing what is normal for this stage of pregnancy ( 32 weeks today ) but everything feels like it's changed and I suddenly feel like something is just not right :/

Over the last few nights I have been feeling really hot in the night and constantly up for the loo but finding that I'm only actually 'going' a tiny bit.

When I wake up in the morning I feel sick , hot and breathless and after eating the nausea is worst .

Also down below is feeling really 'tender' and there is a lot more discharge going on than normal ( sorry tmi) it's also thicker than normal.

Aside from this I had a small bleed yesterday which I thought nothing of as you will remember this happened a few times earlier on in my pregnancy and turned out to be nothing .

I don't want to seem like I'm being a drama queen as I'm sure everything's fine but I've just got this horrible feeling that I can't explain :/

Do you think I'm just going through what's normal at this stage ?

Dr Google didn't help because I started to worry that the bleed combined with the extra discharge could be something more serious which I'm sure it's not !


Sammie all sounds perfectly normal to me. But like u coz I'd felt fine throughout, I panicked a little but it was all normal. If ur at all worried, ring/go see ur doc...
Think the hotness at night is hormones changing again... The tender n excess discharge is hormones n thing moving down... U might start to feel like a shooting pain that lasts a couple seconds in the next few weeks.. It's called lightening n it's baby engaging. I was 34 weeks when I had all that so ur bang on schedule...
The only thing that was different for me is the nausea getting worse after eating...
I was waking up feeling like it had been weeks since I'd eaten. Was so hungry...
It sounds all normal to me too, except I never had the tenderness downstairs but I was probably just lucky with that!! If it's worrying you though it's best to get checked out. It doesn't hurt to see your doc or the pau at your hospital so they can set your mind at rest xxx
Thanks girls I guess I've just been really lucky so far I just can't imagine having to go another 8 weeks feeling this bad!
Baby is moving around lots so I'm not worried in that sense just want it to stay put til I'm ready lol! I haven't put a single thing in my hospital bag yet so that's a job for the weekend
Hi hun x sounds normal to me but if your not happy and feel something is different, then best to get checked or at least speak to someone for reassurance xx

If you read my diary you'll see the same post from me at 30-32 weeks. I suddenly felt "different" after having weeks of feeling brilliant. Like pregnancy was just beginning to take its toll on me. Hot sweats, lethargic, feeling a bit nauseous again etc. Fortunately, like everything else I've experienced in pregnancy, I got used to it and don't really notice it even now when I'm the size of a house, scorching hot all the time and uncomfortable! God knows what it will feel like being "normal" again lol x

Try not to worry but like I said, get some reassurance if you don't feel right x no one will think bad of you hun!! Xxx

I'm 33 weeks now and feel exactly the same, waking up drenched, getting breathless, sickness has returned etc the only thing I haven't had is a bleed. I also feel whenever I squat that my insides may fall out!!! Not pleasant :(
I agree with everyone else though if you have any doubts go and get checked over xx
Thank you jess and Katie .
Glad its not just me then!
Jess you must be really fed up by this point if this is what it's like for the whole third trimester ! Like you said though I'm sure il get used to it .. Atleast I only have 2 weeks left of work then I can nap in the day woohoo!
Have you finished work yet Katie? X
Yes I have finished thank goodness got a few weeks annual leave to take before my maternity leave starts at the end of March. It's a good job cause I can't stay awake. You'll feel a bit better once your leave starts xx
Ooh lucky you .. I can't wait to start mine ! Just this week and next week to go .. Hopefully it goes quick!!


Feeling ok today although back is a bit sore can't seem to get comfy think its sitting in the same position for too long .. Baby is a right wriggler at the moment too!
Had a really naughty weekend food wise so I'm getting a bit worked up about getting on the scales this week but I'm going to try my hardest to have a good week and hopefully it will all even out by Friday.
I have been feeling a bit better than previous ( see posts from Last week!) but am suffering with really bad constipation the last few days ( sorry tmi) it has been awful I've tried eating fruit to help but not sure it's doing any good :/
Also been having a lot of dreams about when baby is here and not knowing how to look after it :/ strange I know ! I think as my due date is getting nearer I'm starting to get a bit worried about everything and doing it all right . I'm sure it will all be fine once he/she is here but I guess everyone's entitled to a pre - baby meltdown haha!
I have this week and next week left at work and then I'm finally on my maternity leave wahoo can't wait !! I'm going to try and use the mat leave to go to some antenatal classes particularly breast feeding class as I have no idea on that and then maybe have a bit of pampering time and then finish off the nursery. Hurry up 6th march!!

Have included some bump pictures taken from last week at 31ish weeks .




Hope you are all well and enjoying your beautiful bumps and babies ! Xx
Sammie that bump is fab!! And you still manage to look amazing. At your stage I couldn't even be arsed to straighten my hair so it lived in a bobble!
Can't wait for you to finish work, maternity leave is the best thing ever!!!xx
Beautiful lady with a beautiful bump not long to go till your leave yay!!
Thanks girls and Sarah believe me 90% of the time I am a slob with no makeup and my hair tied up on top of my head lol.. Xxxx
Bump is looking great!
Aww thank you Danni :)


My back is killing today .. Trying to get some rest but I just can't get comfy and the children at work are not making it easy for me .

Roll on 5.30 I need a nice hot bath and bed!!

On an different note .. Did anyone else catch one born last night ??
I felt so sorry for the poor couple when the dad missed the birth and then returned to his wife bleeding everywhere . It made me so emotional and I couldn't help but put myself in their shoes and imagine how awful it must have been for both of them . My worst fear about birth is my other half missing the birth .. I know its unlikely to happen but I just couldn't bare it if he were to miss it I would be a wreck without him by my side and I would hate to see him miss out on such a special and significant moment

There was another couple where the lady was so calm it was amazing I would love to be like that during my labour but there's no chance of that happening I'm too much of a wimp ! Xx
I've had a really bad day food wise today feel so guilty :( started off really well but then all went to pot . So cross at myself!!
Thanks Hun I've had about 3 bad days in a row now though lol can't seem to motivate myself at the mo I'm just starving all the time and all I want to eat is crap! X
I'm the same can't stop snacking in junk my meals are all pretty healthy but my snacking is way out of control. It's so hard!! X
Your bump pics are lovely hun u look amazing xx

Hope your well and you have a fab Thursday :) xx
Is it your last day tomorrow of have I dreamt it?
I have developed a cereal bar getting I'm kidding myself into thinking it's healthier than chocolate :(