Finally Pregnant!!
Ladies I need some advice ...
I know I'm probably just being paranoid but I really haven't felt right the last couple of days and I'm starting to worry just a teeny bit .
I don't know whether I'm just experiencing what is normal for this stage of pregnancy ( 32 weeks today ) but everything feels like it's changed and I suddenly feel like something is just not right :/
Over the last few nights I have been feeling really hot in the night and constantly up for the loo but finding that I'm only actually 'going' a tiny bit.
When I wake up in the morning I feel sick , hot and breathless and after eating the nausea is worst .
Also down below is feeling really 'tender' and there is a lot more discharge going on than normal ( sorry tmi) it's also thicker than normal.
Aside from this I had a small bleed yesterday which I thought nothing of as you will remember this happened a few times earlier on in my pregnancy and turned out to be nothing .
I don't want to seem like I'm being a drama queen as I'm sure everything's fine but I've just got this horrible feeling that I can't explain :/
Do you think I'm just going through what's normal at this stage ?
Dr Google didn't help because I started to worry that the bleed combined with the extra discharge could be something more serious which I'm sure it's not !
Sammie all sounds perfectly normal to me. But like u coz I'd felt fine throughout, I panicked a little but it was all normal. If ur at all worried, ring/go see ur doc...
Think the hotness at night is hormones changing again... The tender n excess discharge is hormones n thing moving down... U might start to feel like a shooting pain that lasts a couple seconds in the next few weeks.. It's called lightening n it's baby engaging. I was 34 weeks when I had all that so ur bang on schedule...
The only thing that was different for me is the nausea getting worse after eating...
I was waking up feeling like it had been weeks since I'd eaten. Was so hungry...