Hi everyone ,
It's been a while but thought I would just check in ..
Did an induction today for my new job.. Which I'm not thrilled about .. It's only a few hours a week working in a creche but I hate the fact that I am leaving my own daughter to look after other peoples kids just doesn't seem right at all
Luckily my business with forever is coming along nicely so I'm hoping the creche will only be temporary until I can earn enough from forever.
Been to the dentist today also as in horrendous pain with my stupid bloody tooth. Sorry for the rage but if you have ever had an abscess you will sympathise!
Have been given antibiotics to treat the abscess but only as a temporary solution.. The tooth is completely dead but as it is at the front it would mean I would have to pay £1200 for a bridge if I had it removed .. Root canal not possible as tooth will most probably break. Ahhhh I hate teeth and dentists so cross!
On another not ruby doing fab as always she's such a good little girl I know I'm biased but she really is a pleasure and so chilled out although she did decide to wake up at 3 and 5 last night which is totally unusual for her but maybe down to teething as we have two teeth coming through

. We're not crawling yet but sort of spinning around on her tummy lol I don't think she will be long .
Weight is not too bad at the mo but I'm not worrying too much over Xmas as I enjoy all the Xmas food too much especially mulled wine and mince pies yum!
Will be starting a cleansing programme in the new year so hopefully get back into the 7s.
Hope everyone else is well and enjoying getting ready for Xmas.. My tree is up but haven't brought a single thing yet as usual .. So disorganised !