Still no blooming 10. My own fault I know, but still, I was hoping to see a 10 something flash up. But alas no. 11 stone bang on. So that's one little squidgy pound lost from last week. But I can't complain - I had a meal out last Sunday and a piggy chicken dinner last night. (-I ate roast chicken with the skin on!! Tut tut!!).
Little one is still refusing liquid but I managed to squirt an ounce of water mixed with diarolyte stuff in her mouth!! Am hoping some of it got swallowed/absorbed as well as spat out!!
Poor poppet. She's very happy though, just her insides playing havoc.
Oh lynzi hope you're ok, 5am on these cold mornings is not nice!!
Am very crampy today

hate hate hate totm. Bleurgh!!
I heard rumours they were supposed to get better after a baby but alas no luck!
Paracetamol and will indulge in a dark Truffa bar later!
Might try my funny hot dog creation again for brekkie!
Was very filling and will be nice as I always get totm hunger!
Hope everyone has a nice day full of squats!!

I will try today, I will!! Xx