Well today is day 30, and day 3 of AAM week.
I am loving AAM week. I know some people really struggle with it, and I hope I dont end up eating my words but its fantastic to enjoy real food, and to actually taste it instead of shovelling it in.
that is really really good. just what CD-AAM is designed to do.
AAM day 1 was just some chicken and 2 spears of asparagus. Dead simple but I really enjoyed it. People had warned me to be careful as my first taste of food might make me want to pick but I coped OK.
Day 2 AAM was some chicken again with a handful of lettuce and 1/2 stick celery chopped up. A bit more veg than is strictly allowed but I weighed the chicken and stuck to 50g. The book doesnt say whether it is cooked or raw weight so I took the cooked weight. Hope that was right. Actually dont even know if there is a difference between the cooked and raw weight.
Well there certainly is if you deep fry it!
Day 3 AAM. I expected today to be a real challenge as is is Neils Bday. Neil and the kids had pizza for their dinner (neils fave) and I had some delicious prawns with chilli and coriander from M&S with a handful of salad. Prawns arent strictly on the list, I know, but I had 70g and the pack said it was very low carb and fat and only about 80cals so Im not worried. It was absolutely delicious. I made the decision today that when I return to normal food I would rather pay a little bit more for quality and eat less, than just shovel all the cheap crap in that got me into this mess in the first place.
I didnt even cave and have any birthday cake which was actually a profiterole stack from M&S (my absolute fave dessert) so have given myself a pat on the back for that.
have a pat from me too. or even a slightly presumptive hug. It was a b'day cake that caused my first & only serious deviation from SSing back in the winter (to be strictly fair it was the second glass of wine that did it,but the result was B'day cake If you see what I mean.) out of ketosis for 24 hrs. BAD.
I am still stuffed from my salad even though I had it at about 3pm. I have just made my final soup as although Im not hungry I know that if i leave it any later I'll end up skipping it and I know that isnt good.
this is fab fab fab.
Oh got a feeling the only reason prawns et al aren't on the AAM or 790 menus is their high salt content. but heck you're having such a small amount & it'll be weeks before you do it again......
Looking forward to tomorrow. Going to have a piece of steamed cod with some brocolli. mmmmmmmm. Im going to take my measurements as well tomorrow as I have done a complete month now.
Hope everyone has had a lovely weekend.