Can someone tell me how to change the title of my diary please
yes of course!
go to the main page that lists everyone weight loss dairies...and you'll see stars to the right of you title...just click on those and it will hilite your title giving you the option to change. just hit enter to save it!
oh and i also wanted to comment on your nibbling/picking must be something in the bottled water! olol.
im struggling biggie style. i picked at fynn's egg and even had bits of cheese!!! i konw its all mostly protein/no carb..but still. i have to say that the egg was a bit satisfying and i didnt need to keep eating..but the cheese.. ohhhhh cheese and chocolate (not together yuk) are my downfall!
Well, all i can say (to the both of us) is look how far we;ve come...and DONT look at how far we have to go still.
i think i need to psych my head out into thinking that i'm only just starting this again, tomorrow so that i am in total strict, motivated mode! ((despite how difficult those first few days were but we made sure we were strict!))
also, have you stopped your AAMW?? im not allowed to say who but "someone" kinda let me know that she/he has seen Cd'ers stray and find it very difficult to go back to SS after AAMW. i know that doesnt mean everyone...but it is known to be a down fall. i personally dont see any sense in it, tbh. so i dont ever plan on doing it. There should be no problem with skipping it if allllll the nutrients/vitamins etc are in the packets already. know what i mean? again, to each their own!
i do hope you are feeling better about it all tomorrow...a new day...
take it easy!