Sam's Diary

Same been starving and tired. Going in bath being lazy skipping gym xxx
Morning! I didn't drink any water yesterday, I don't know why because if I drink more water I'll lose more weight! I'll spend a couple of hours in the gym later so I'll get some water in me then.

B - Porridge, berries, soya milk
L - Burgers, spinach, mayo
D - Steak, asparagus, poached egg
Menu sounds lovely. I didn't drink much either yesterday. Going for 4 pints at work today x
Water is my nemesis I need to drink more. All good things happen when I do. Sam thank you so much for the link you posted a while back to It's awesome! I found the perfect program for me on the 'find a plan feature'. And it's all free! I'm going with the Lee Labrada leanbody training. Starting in April. X
Water is my nemesis I need to drink more. All good things happen when I do. Sam thank you so much for the link you posted a while back to It's awesome! I found the perfect program for me on the 'find a plan feature'. And it's all free! I'm going with the Lee Labrada leanbody training. Starting in April. X
How exciting! I'm going to have look at it now!
Ooh I'm looking later too can someone send me the link for that?
Wasn't able to go to the gym today :cry:But had a nice walk to the beach and park with my little boy. Failed on the water too.
I dI'd three pints today but no exercise too. Beach sounds fab !!
Busy day ahead. Have to sort out our house that we rent out, the last tenant has moved out so I desperately need to get someone in there ASAP! I have a letting agency coming round today to tell us what we need to do, We rented it out privately last time but thought it would be easier to go through an agency.

B - Poached eggs on toast
L - Thai soup
D - Steak and sweet potato chips (didn't have this yesterday)
S - apple and I don't know what else
Oh good luck is it in barrow aswell?
Yeah it's in Barrow too, it went well just a few bits need doing, carpet cleaned, bit of paint here and there then its ready to go, she said it would go straight away so I'm happy with that.
I've only been to the gym once this week and I wont get there til Sunday now. If I STS on Saturday I'll be happy with that!
I'm sure you will lose. Xxx
L/C today

B - Bacon and spinach omelette
L - broccoli and cheese soup
D - Chicken salad with mayo

Drank 5 pints of water yesterday, aiming for 6 today!
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There is a loss coming tomorrow x
Had 3 pints of water but accidentally had 4 large glass of white wine, hope this doesn't jeopardise my weigh in tomorrow!!