Bon soirée tous les monde! Comment t'allez vous?
Evening all!
Well......interview went great and I think I should get thru to the second one which will be in London, so that will be a good excuse for a bit of a shopping trip
Looking good did indeed help! I'd had a wander up the high street prior to my interview and bumped into several friends who hadn't seem me for a while and the compliments nearly turned my head! Even a friend's husband, who I never thought had even noticed that I am in fact a woman, commented on the boat coming home tonight that I looked fabulous and being thin really suited me! Cue enormous grin

Anyway, not so good is the quantity of food that I have joshed this weekend, I'm not even going to bother counting the pp's....but tomorrow is another day and I'll start a fresh here goes...
B branflakes and milk, handful of blueberries
L didn't have time so just had a banana
D ham and elf philli sandwich (granary bread) cherry tomatoes, 2 finger kitkat, glass of SB (eaten on the boat, I made the sandwiches and we had a picnic)
B porridge made half and half milk and water
L bacon sandwich, 2 slices white bread, 3 slices well-grilled bacon
D M&S Fuller Longer, spaghetti with spicy meatballs, tarte au citron with a spoonful of creme fraiche (seriously yummy) 2 vodka and diet cokes, large glass of SB
B fruit and fibre and milk, vitamin C drink
L/D Croque Madame with a mixed salad, Kir Breton (cider with Kir) 2 finger kitkat on the boat home
Hot choc before bed
Doubt if I've lost anything else this fact if I haven't put the lb back on I will be surprised! But I don't actually care cos we had a great weekend.......I thought that I'd eaten a lot but when I see it written down I don't think that I've been that bad?? Though I've probably had all my lushies today alone......