♥3 Years Maintaining♥
Sandra, why are you counting 4pp for grapes? They are 0pp 
Sandra - Im playing Spot the Fud and cant find you on FB! Tried searching on your profile no from your About Me but nae luck. Also there are about a million trillion Sandra's with a surname beginning with B lol.
Doh Bird x
OMG ignore that! Im was totally proving my worthiness of title Doh Bird. I just realised that if I press that very obvious FB icon on your banner thingy, it links to your FB page.
Oh dear - I do despair about myself sometimes lol
Oh dear ... hope you're okay
These vitamin C drinks are deffo 0pp? just in case you're having some 'hidden' points?xx
Hope you are feeling better now chickxx
Ah - should be okay then I'd think .... glad you were well enough to go to the gym. Do you think you need to run your symptoms by somebody who 'knows'?![]()
Sandra, I hope you are feeling better. It's best to listen to your body and not overdo things. You have been through a lot lately so take your time getting back to your old self. Pamper yourself a little. Your health is more important than stressing over getting to target. Take good care of yourself.