Santas little...Slimmers!

10lb kwaix in your first week is amaaazing! good luck at your weigh in with the consultant :)

I know what you mean Hayley I keep wondering how I will feel! I was like a stick as a child and as soon as I got to around 13/14 I guess the start of puberty it just started piling on! I never went to my prom as I looked fat and frumpy and all the other pretty skinny girls were in there size 8 dresses I feel I missed out on a lot because of my weight. I started Cambridge at 14 stone exactly, I am now 13 stone 5lbs so hopefully not long before I can say im 12 stone something again...then 11 stone and then EEEK 10 stone something wow will be amazing. x
hi everyone looks like everyones on track im back to 100 percent i had 3 bad days but had 2lb loss thought i would of had a gain so happy
im excited to get into the 12 stone category be good to see that again, I found my very first Cambridge card from before I had my son (is will be 3 years old in november) and my start weight was 12 stone something :( quite discouraging in a way that ive put on 2 stone in less than 3 years and that at 12 stone I was obviously unhappy with my weight or I wouldn't have gone to Cambridge! but its all got to go so ill plod along going to try really hard for a 100% 7 day week this time. over half a stone gone forever :) xx

Thank you. Everything is sorted now so i will be back on track tomorrow
I think every one of us can reach our goals, we just need strong will power! Keep imagining your goal every time you're tempted and you can do it:)
well done laura :) its really great when you think your going to put on then you loose something :) my consultant says to not be surprised if I stay the same or only have a small loss next week as usually that can happen then the following week I may have a decent loss so we will see but ive been good today, literally had to force myself to eat my soup for dinner as didn't feel hungry! x
Hello all! I did that thing I'm regretting already.....went on the scales this morning......and this evening! And am gutted that I gained 0.3 kg! So stupid of me! I need to keep off the scales until my weigh in on Monday!

The couple of times I've tried to restart Cambridge I've not lasted a day and now I'm on day 4 SS 100% so I think this times different. Clothes feel bit looser already!
hi nickie, its hard not to! I weigh myself atleast twice a day and always at 10.30am as that's my weigh in times on a Thursday so I know that's my most accurate reading. although I cant really talk sometimes its best not to worry what they say...all week mine said I hadn't lost anything then the morning of my weigh in all of a sudden a 3lb loss! sometimes it takes a few days to sort itself out (your body) im sure you will have a nice surprise on your weigh in day :) x
Just back from visiting my consultant. She confirmed i lost 10lbs. \(@ ̄∇ ̄@)/. By the way, Good luck Nikie. Yesterday, i ate chicken and 4 digestive biscuit. I didn't gain anything today and my weight stayed the same. Maybe your body need some time to adjust
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Thanks all! I have lost weight already.....but during the space of 13 hours (during which I was 100%) I managed to gain 0.3 kg....I have lost weight overall though so feeling good!
woop woop well done kwaix must be nice just to have that confirmation :)
well morning ladies, sorry if TMI but I have to share incase anyone has had the same or has any tips! last night I had an awful nights sleep :( I was up 3 or 4 times in the night with horrendous stomache cramps for those of you that have given birth im not even joking it was as bad as contractions nearly made me cry and basically it was because ive suddenly become constipated!! by this morning it seems to have failry sorted itself out but I know it might happen again and oh my I do NOT want that pain again! might have to go out and buy some dulcolax or something for times of need. I know you can buy some fibre stuff from the consultants but its £7.50!! and I don't even know if its usable as in what if I pay that and I cant use it because its rank aparantly you stir it in your shakes? well I have ready made cartons so it will have to be water or my soup and im nesh when it comes to anything like that if I can taste it in my water/soup I wont have it! any tips or anyone experienced this yet, its awful :( x
Hi hun I use the fibre and it's the best thing I ever did buying it!! I thought it was a waste of money but reluctantly bought it and it's a life saver as last time I did the diet every time I went to loo I was in so much pain I cried and passed a lot of blood as my stools were so hard!! It was like passing bricks! But this fibre is amazing there back to normal!!
For pains like that you could try windeze tablets you just chew them there amazing!

The fibre doesn't taste of anything u just stir it in and you can't taste it at all it's worth trying! Dulculax is good too xx
Thanks :) will buy some of the Cambridge fibre then if it works :) it was so painful! Phew don't want that again lol x
I just had the same problem today so I added some flaxseed into my shake. Hopefully that helps and then I can go to holland and barrat's on Tuesday to see what they have
my auntie has flaxseed on her cereal in a morning too but I wasn't sure what we were allowed etc within our diets, think ill get something tablet wise for now then on Thursday when I have my next weigh in ill purchase some of that fibre, I read somewhere its about a months supply would you agree with that Hayley or u not sure? x
I'm sure a spoonful of flaxseed won't do anything to my weight.. Anyway I can't get anything else until Tuesday so it'll have to do:)
I am having problems with constipation too. I kept reading around this forum and some people recommend Dulcolax. I am a bit embarrassed to ask my consultant how to resolve this problem.
I wouldn't be embarrassed Kwaix I can guarantee your consultant had the same problems when she was on Cambridge and nah have some good tips! I'll let you know what mind says on Thursday :)
View attachment 106896Just thought id share a pic with you guys- I apologise in advance as its not very nice to look at haha. this is back in 2011 when I last did Cambridge from late august 2011 to the start of October I lost 12lbs and can you believe in only 12lbs how much my tummy shrank not long afterwards I gave up :( so wish I hadn't as it would of just kept getting smaller and smaller! I know its not a huge loss or difference but I think its nice to be able to see before n after pics where you can see some change and that wasn't even a stone loss at that point. ughhh my tummy is gross, and also just to point out that was with SS+ and bits of cheating! this time im on SS alone and no cheating so hoping results will be faster and more drastic! xx

Lauren, I thought your photos were amazing! I never realised 12lb could make such a difference (that's about how much I lost first time on Cambridge and gave up because it didn't seem a lot!) and when you've got stones and stones to lose it doesn't seem like much... But you really can see the difference in your pics so thank you for posting!

I know I'm a bit late in but would love to join your group... You all seem to be doing a great job at supporting eachother :) I'm on day 3 of my second try of Cambridge. Like Hayley, I started last year to lose weight for my 30th - managed to lose a bit and since then have piled on even more so I'm back again! Ideally I'd like to lose 15kg by Christmas (bit annoying doing it in kg but thats how my consultant weighs! 15kg is just under 2 and a half stone) but more if possible.

Happy Monday everyone and hope you all have a great day :) xxx