Santas little...Slimmers!

Hi Helen & sherry! :) anyone is welcome to join we have decided to not be a traditional team where we submit weight scores etc we are just a team in the sense we are all here to support each other...moan if we are having a bad day, celebrate and give a thumbs up when we are having good days! I hope you find this team a good support and feel its somewhere you can come if you need advice or just a rant! good luck on your Cambridge journeys :) xx

p.s well done so far sherry brilliant loss! I am also on my 3rd attempt! xx
aww thanks Lauren. goodluck on the diet and hopefully we'll have great losses to celebrate by christmas
So I lost 2lb today! Not great but my af is here and was really bloated this morning so that must be why as I've been good this week!! I went on a long walk toast and stuck to my 3 products I want 4 off next week to be 13.13!! Will be amazing to see that :)
well done Hayley 2lb is still fantastic :) were all going in the right direction...not looking forward to my weigh in tomoz will update late morning my results ill be happy even if its a pound off if not then it means a serious week no messing lol xx
I have my weight in tomorrow. I cheated this week with some chicken and 1 cookies haha. Oh well
glad im not alone kwaix lol!!! good luck with yours! im scared haha but trying to stay positive I had a few bits I shouldn't last week n lost 3lb hopefully wasn't a coincidence :-/ x
straight after my weigh in im going out shopping with my friend and her little boy, we are going to costa wow im going to be bored with my black coffee while shes there with her latte and cream haha never worth it when im skinny! right popping out to get petrol and money out for consultant and will update later this afternoon when im back from shopping as to my loss/gain aghh! xx
Good luck Lauren!!
Costa is so boring when your on this diet :( I went Monday and had to sit and watch my friend eat that chocolate tiffin and drink a latte!! Torture!! I had water and ice!!
Hope u get a good result update as soon as you can :) xx
I lost 6lb :eek:.
Thank you :)
well done kwaix! I lost 2lb cant complain thought Id of gained :D gonna have a real strict week now as if I loose another 3lb that's my first stone gone! :) and ill of made my first mini goal of being in the 12 stone category! xx
Well done kwaix and Lauren! :) I had a bit of a cheat on Monday night and Tuesday but don't really feel bad about it because it was unavoidable, more info in my diary:) but I think I'm still going to lose:)
thanks ladies, how is everyone elses week been? positive I hope. im super stressed at the minute not great when your prone to sensitive skin anyway and to be fair the diet doesn't help as all the nutrients are going to major organs rather than spread out like they normally would. joking obviously as its not nice to feel down and stressed but its helping the diet ive not felt hungry all day! forced myself to have a bar at lunch and just again literally forced myself to eat a soup had nothing in the morning, have a banging headache now as I usually have loads of water today ive hardly had any not had chance to go out and get any bottled water and im a bit ocd about tap water! xx
Hi there, I'm starting on 810 on Monday. I did the diet last year and lost almost 2st. I've put some back on.....bad habits crept back in :sigh: but I am determined to get to below 10st this time. I felt fantastic last Christmas, and this year I will feel fantastic again ...hopefully!!

I would like to join your forum :)
Hi everyone,
Thanks for the welcomes. I'm just finished Day 3 of my first week of SS. So far I've not really suffered side effects except a sweet/weird taste in my mouth so I'm not even sure that I'm in ketosis. I did a ketostick yesterday and it was rosy pink. That's what my consultant said means I'm in ketosis but then I keep reading on the net that that my stick should have been purple. Can anyone advise me on this?
Well, I've stuck rigidly to the diet and have tried shakes, soups and porridge. I absolutely hate the soups and porridge and I'm not normally a fussy person at all! So shakes it is for me until I can introduce the bars.
Well done on everyone's weight loss so far and hi to Flare.
Lauren - sorry you've had a rubbish day and you're feeling stressed. I hope things improve for you tomorrow.
Helen xxxx
Hi flare welcome to the group :) well done on the 2 stone lost, its a shame you put some weight back on but these things happen and its great you have made the decision to come back to loose it again makes me feel positive about the diet if people are happy to return, to be under 10stone would be fantastic and I wish you lots of luck :)

Helen you are doing so well and it very much sounds like you are in ketosis, my consultant said the same that it should be a tinge of pink I also have some ketostix and when im in ketosis its the same, I think dark purple is quite extreme but some people perhaps show more than others bit like a pregnancy test lol! well done if you stick to it then now your in ketosis you can watch the weight drop off :) I wish I could stay in ketosis as I would have bigger weekly losses but I survive this diet by having a treat on my weigh in days after ive been weighed! its something to look forward to I think we all cope in our own ways- I don't mean anything drastic this is how sad food has become lol my treat this Thursday just gone was a salad bowl from subway lol was beaut who would of thought last month that to me a 'treat' would be salad haha I cant stand the thought of chocolate and sweets now! xx