Sarah's 1st baby pregnancy diary

Going at 6.00pm tonight ....staying the night tonight and coming home tomorrow night around 8pm ... hopefully all sleepy and relaxed !! x
Mmm sounds gorgeous! I had a lovely pamper day with 2 friends at a local spa early last year and it was so nice. Didn't stay over though, would have loved to!
Hubby's going to get me vouchers for a local beauty salon for a birthday present so I'm trying to decide what I'd like to have done...
The trapped nerve feeling could be blood pooling (as there's more), altho mention it to your MW. SPD / Pelvic girdle pain is a lot more joint related. Look for a thread SPD symptoms on this forum and I certainly hope you don't get it. I had it for 4 weeks which was hard enough! :)

Glad your scan went well :)
Here's my scan photo as promised!
And... The Facebook announcement has just gone out too


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Hi Sarah just read your posts Im new to the site and just wanted to say congratulations! Ive recently had a baby shes 7 weeks old now and so amazing. This will be such an exciting year for you i'm kind of jealous that all that pregnancy excitment is over for me now ha ha must still have some crazy hormones lurking about! I let myself go when I was pregnant and went crazy on food so here starts the baby weight diet! Lets hope my belly shrinks as quick as yours grows ;)
hey chick - awww your scan photo is beautiful <3 really clear :) xx

I had awful awful SPD/PGP with my 2 yr old - it doesn't sound like its what you've got - as someone said its more joint pain and right in your pelvis - it makes you feel like you've been kicked in the foof (pardon the expression lol) - you may have a trapped nerve or if its in your bum cheek don't rule out syatica *sp*. hope you get it sorted xxx


I did ask my midwife on Thursday about it and she said it's probably sciatica (sp?) but I know it's often misdiagnosed and after speaking to a friend who suffers I really don't think that's it. Maybe it is a trapped nerve... who knows! But it is still there and it's been over a week now :mad:

Oh and my nausea seems to have returned :jelous:, not all the time and not as bad as before but it's hitting with a vengeance when I've got an empty tummy, and we went out for Sunday lunch yesterday and firstly I really didn't fancy anything on the menu, then I could only eat half of it because I got bloated really quickly :(. Never mind though, I'm just glad it lifted for our weekend away in London!

My bump seems even more pronounced now - it kind of appeared from nowhere last weekend while we were in London, and I don't think it's bloat as it really does have no sign of easing off and it's really noticable! It's also quite high too (isn't that a sign that it's a boy ;))
I'm happy though - I honestly don't feel fat at all, I'm proud of my bump and will be all the way through.

I did sneak on the scales Saturday though and I've put on a whopping 7.5lbs!!! I'm so glad I lost 4lb at the start of pregnancy as it means I've only put on 3.5lb overall (phew)
So I'm re-thinking my food strategy and I'm going to make a conscious effort to be healthier, snack on fruit, yoghurts etc instead of the naughty stuff I've been allowing myself quite often!

Also I ordered myself some bits from Littlewoods maternity range - some black cargo trousers, and some black wide leg linen trousers. Oh and some pretty maternity bras too.
I ordered the trousers in an 18 as I want room to grow, but they are quite big on me! But dead comfy though!
Tops-wise I think I'm going to stick to the plain fitted tops they do in Dorothy Perkins - they're stretchy and flattering, and I'm going to steer away from floaty stuff that makes me just look flat - I want to show off my bump!

Hope you all have a good day xx
Thanks hun. I've ordered a Next Directory so just waiting for it to arrive now...
So far I'm ok with tops - just going to stick to 'normal' longish stretchy tops. Obviously this may have to change once my bump gets bigger!

Hubby keeps going on about wanting to take a bump piccie so I think we'll start on Friday when I'm 12 weeks, and I'll definately post!
I need to buy myself a pregnancy book as well to start recording bits and pieces - I'll only regret it if I don't...
awwww I love it when you start to get a bump :) so precious xx

I remember my sickness with Charlie fading at about 10 weeks and then hitting me again at around 12 weeks I think its when they have a big growth spurt :)

7.5lb is fine hun - I really think in the first 12 weeks its all water and bloating - it will slow down (says me panicing lol)

Be amazed for it to go quickly now - the second tri always flies won't be long and you'll be on your 20wk scan - are you going to find out the sex ? We never have before but we are this time for practicality reasons as we need to sort our rooms out etc and with hubby being in the Navy we only have limited time doh !

Oh dear you soon will have an excuse when you see their range, lol

Thanks hun. I've ordered a Next Directory so just waiting for it to arrive now...
So far I'm ok with tops - just going to stick to 'normal' longish stretchy tops. Obviously this may have to change once my bump gets bigger!

Hubby keeps going on about wanting to take a bump piccie so I think we'll start on Friday when I'm 12 weeks, and I'll definately post!
I need to buy myself a pregnancy book as well to start recording bits and pieces - I'll only regret it if I don't...
Well the last four weeks have completely flown by so I wouldn't be surprised if that continues! I don't mind when it means the tiredness & nausea is flying by, but I don't really want the whole pregnancy to go by in a daze - I want to actually enjoy it and take it all in ;)

I do think it's a bit early for me to get a proper bump though - it 'appeared' when I was only 10 weeks! I know it happens to different women at different times though.

We've decided not to find out the sex. I LOVE surprises so it seems only fitting we leave that as a surprise. So we're going to go for all creams and beiges rather than traditional pink or blue. Completely understand why people do want to find out though!

I've just booked us a holiday too - a week in an apartment on the seaside in Tenby, in June when I'll be 25 weeks. Can't wait - it will be lovely to be out in the sunshine, I just hope I'll be 'comfortable' enough to enjoy it!

Another perhaps not so fun trip is later on - when I'll be 30 weeks - a weekend camping with hubby and my Dad at a VW Camper festival... luckily it's not that far from home so if camping does get a bit too much for me we can just shoot back home, but I'm not really sure how well camping and pregnancy mix...
Hi all,

Well I haven't had a great couple of days - my nausea seems to have come back full-blown. I was feeling really sick all day yesterday and nothing seemed to ease it.

And today I feel really sick again, plus I'm really exhausted, have a headache and feel dizzy...

And there was me thinking I was feeling all better at 10 weeks!

Going to see how it goes as I'm not sure I'll be able to make it through a whole day at work today tbh :(
I know I know, it's just horrible when you have one of those days and just don't feel yourself.

How was your spa night?
Well I lasted all day through work but if I feel the same I won't be going in tomorrow. I've got Friday off as holiday anyway so I think a long weekend chill out is in order.
On the plus side my SIL just text me - she's got me a second hand Moses basket, stand and changing mat... All for £5!! Also my friend said I can have her little boys (he's 7 now lol) old Winnie the pooh cot-bed which cost £250 new, all I need to do is replace the base piece as broken, but that's only £35.
I know a lot of people like to buy new for their first but we can't afford to splash out like crazy so I'm getting as many hand-me-downs as possible!
Sounds like good bargains, I am off to bed again, Jesus I am so tired but at least I get snuggles from my OH (who has been up for 36hrs,lol)
I'm going to have to wait a bit longer for my snuggles... As hubby is about to have a bath. Think I might go up in a sec though *yawn*