It's been a quiet uneventful week this week. My headaches have almost all cleared up which is great, although today I woke at about 2.30am with one and it's not gone since, plus affected my sleep. Not good when I have a 2 hour drive this afternoon!
Besides that things have been quiet on the symptom front. I seem to be getting hungry but still not able to eat much, however my appetite still isn't really back (I consider this a good thing!). Although I do seem to have got addicted to scones, cream and jam, which isn't such a good thing, so I need to stop that!
My weight is back to what it was at the start of pregnancy which I consider to be a good thing, especially as I'm probably more hydrated and obviously have the extra fluid and (whilst small) baby weight. If I can stay the same (or lose) for another month or two I'll be quite happy.
Now I'm in my 2nd trimester I've relaxed a little and am hoping to get exercising soon. DH has stopped letting me carry shopping bags, boxes of wet clothes to hang up etc. and so I need to do some light weights just to stop my arms getting bigger!
We're away this weekend for my nephew's 1st birthday. We're staying at a log cabin in a national park, near where my brother lives. There's an indoor pool there too so I've packed my swimsuit and am hoping to do a bit of swimming whilst we're there, hopefully get me moving and then I'll carry on once we're back.
Definitely looking forward to a wonderful weekend away

Have a good one everyone!