I'm a bit annoyed/frustrated, waking at 5am and leaving me with time to think hasn't helped! Yesterday we had one of my SIL's here, DH's sister. Popped in for a cuppa at 11.30 and left 5 hours later, meaning we both had to work late into the day. That's annoying but not what wound me up!
She asked us if we'd be finding out the sex of the baby and we said yes. Then we got the whole 'oh I'd like it to be a surprise' etc. etc. That's fine, we won't tell you! As far as I'm concerned, a human being coming out of me is a surprise in itself! Anyway, she then started asking us about names and I always just make the comment that we're still thinking. DH however said we knew what we'd call it if it was a boy, and just still deciding on a girl's name we liked. When she asked what he then looked at me and was like 'oh you don't want to tell anyone do you' - hmm even though he's right in that I've asked him that we keep it to ourselves, I didn't appreciate him telling his sister that she wouldn't be told because of me.
So then I had to justify why we weren't saying. Fact is, all I want is a few things kept between us rather than telling the world just yet. I also don't want everyone's opinions on names we choose for our baby, whether they mean to or not, people make comments. Once you've named a baby and it's here, people tend to bite their tongue a bit more. So I've said I just don't want to hear everyone's opinions on the names we choose. Even my parents don't know. Anyway, she seemed to understand that but still kept on pushing for names, and then started to tell us what we should be considering, etc. etc.
So she doesn't want to know the sex of the baby but wants to know what it'll be called?! I briefly mentioned it to DH last night, and just said that whilst she's just being inquisitive, she needs to stop pushing (she's not the only one, a friend of ours keeps doing it too). I told him that it's easier to just say to people that we've not decided yet, which got him annoyed as he felt I was telling him off... (which then got me upset etc.).
It seems so trivial but it's wound me right up. Do people not want to give you any privacy once you're pregnant? It's hard enough getting DH to keep things private sometimes. Just wish people, regardless of status, would back off when basically asked to do so.
Meh, sorry for the rant, needed to vent somewhere and got no where else to do it.
On a brighter note, I think I've started to feel the baby kick inside, and possible had a light touch on my hand yesterday night. It felt quite active yesterday evening, and I'm sure the little occasional touch is a kick. It feels so cute. I've not told DH yet as I don't want to get him excited and then him not feel anything, so I want to be sure.