Sarah's Pregnancy and Baby Diary

Oh well, at least you weren't disappointed! Annoying though to waste the time when they don't tell you anything you don't already know.
I'm getting used to kind of useless appointments :D

I told my Mum everything last night and she summed it up well. They're geared up for someone to go in and say they eat a cooked, fried breakfast, snack on chocolate and crisps, maybe grab a high calorie sandwich for lunch and perhaps a big meal or takeaway in the evening. To be told branflakes for breakfast, ham and salad sandwiches, or homemade soup for lunch and then a homecooked, healthy meal for dinner, and no real snacking in between (I just don't get hungry between meals!)... I think I stumped her.

Our hospital is a teaching hospital so she was a student and DH told me that even if she'd made a mistake (like she did when she showed me a dinner plate to check on portion sizes and was trying to say one slice, about 25g, of protein was what I should be having...!), the qualified dietician in the room wouldn't have mentioned it until after we left.

At my booking in I also had a student midwife, and noticed afterwards a few mistakes on my notes which I'll tell the MW on Friday when I see her. Bless 'em. I know they've got to learn. Just glad I've got a fairly good grasp of things anyway! :)
Ooof measles! I know how scary that is. When I was pregnant, I had a blood test and my GP said I had no immunity and my Rubella jab must have worn off, they couldnt vaccinate me obviously as I was pregnant. So that was a worry. A few months later I went to see a friend and about a week later she called me to say she had German Measles. Talk about panic stations! I was fine though and Im sure you will be too xx
I saw my midwife today who checked with a senior midwife, who, unlike the GP, didn't just brush it off and went off to check everything, how old my vaccination was etc. and confirmed that I should be fine but if I wanted to be 100% sure I could go and get screened or tested (I forget which now!). However, as I'm okay in myself I'm going to make the assumption that all is okay for us.

So, I saw the midwife and had my blood taken for the quadruple blood test today, so got up to 2 week wait. I've been told if I don't hear anything then I'll be a low risk. So that's another 2 weeks of waiting! They also weighed me and put on my notes that I'd lost (wait for it) 6.5 kilos! Very bizarre as my scales at home (that I trust far more!) say I've so far put on 1lb. I did point out to them that at my booking in appointment I had heavy clothes, a coat and 2.5l of fluids inside me! But the scales at the surgery (where I saw her) I think were quite 'out'. Still, it looks good on my notes!

And, for the best bit of the day. We listened to the baby's heartbeat! :D :D :D Once she got the doppler thingy in the best place it sounded so loud, like someone banging a drum. DH got a recording of it (the nurse probably thought we were barmy!). Just an amazing sound to hear. Makes it even more real than the flutters! I still can't believe there's a baby inside me!

Such an ace start to the weekend :)
Aww Sarah I am so pleased you got to hear the heartbeat today :D, I know you have been feeling a little apprehensive about 'not feeling pregnant' so that must have been a real thrill for you and of course your DH. As far as GP's and pregnancys are concerned my experience is that as its not their 'field' they do very little :( if in doubt about anything whilst pregnant go through your midwife first, they and not the GP's are the experts, if they don't think its pregnancy related they will refer you to your GP but any problems about any aspect of your health whilst pregnant ask your midwife first ;)
Those flutterings will get stronger by the day now too ;)
Thanks all, still upbeat about hearing the heartbeat, especially as I've not felt any flutters for a few days, probably just missed them!

Yesterday I was making brownies (getting in practise is my excuse!) and after making up the mixture I licked the spoon like usual, and stopped myself swallowing when I realised there was raw egg in it! I'm sure it wouldn't have made a major problem, but of course it's a risk I don't want to take.

It just goes to show how little things just don't occur to you! Of course DH was happy as it meant I had to offer him the spatula and bowl to lick out (after I'd done my hardest to get all the mix out and into the baking tray just to annoy him!)

Oh, the brownies were (well are, as there's lots left!) gorgeous :D
I've licked the spoon on autopilot too whilst baking! I think eggs are pretty safe really now unless you keep them in the cupboard for way too long.
I did try my best to argue with the doctor over eggs! All British Lion eggs (80% of the UK eggs for sale) come from chickens that have been vaccinated against salmonella, and we often get eggs from a local farm where we know they go through continuous rigorous checks on the chickens, but he just said he wouldn't risk it, and to be honest I guess at the end of the day he's right. A nice fried egg is certainly at the top of my missed items. I think I'd rather a decent bacon and fried egg sandwich over a glass of wine! (mind you, I have started to miss wine too, I know I could have a glass but why get the taste and then take it away again!). :)
19 weeks today! One more week and it's the halfway mark. I've put on about 1lb in weight overall, which I'm quite happy about, especially as my exercising isn't as consistent as I'd hope for.

I believe I'm now getting kicked about inside by an ever growing baby. I keep getting a feeling of being winded for just a few seconds, and it's getting more constant. It feels like my breath is taken away from me for a couple of seconds. Chatting to a friend on the phone last night, I kept finding myself breathless at times! She's got a 2 year old, so she knows how it all feels! At least I'm still getting a reminder that there's something in there, as the flutters have stopped (probably my layer of insulation in the way now!), and the kicks that DH is waiting for haven't really started yet.

I've got one more day to hear about my quadruple blood test, if nothing comes through tomorrow then I should consider myself a low risk. We've then got the 20 week scan a week Tuesday. I think once the scan (and tomorrow) are both done, and hopefully with good results, I'll start to feel a lot more confident and actually start buying things! We have got a lot of stuff anyway, so it's not like I'm starting from scratch :)
Wow Sarah it seems hardly anytime since you were 6 weeks !!!
You are doing fabulous with your weight too, well done you ;)
You will love your scan, the detail will be so much better than last time our sonographer even managed to get a really decent image of her face for us, you will then believe you have a real baby in there :). Are you going to find out the sex or are you going to have a surprise?
Thanks Jo :) Yeah chuffed about my weight, just hope it doesn't start creeping up once the real growth bursts kick in now! Haven't managed to get any maternity jeans that fit yet (I'm fine for indoors, which is where I spend most my time, but need a pair to use when I do leave the house! I can fit into my pre preg jeans but they were already ripping at the thighs due to overwear as it is!). Going to wander round Liverpool tomorrow to see what I can find!

Can't believe it's been 15 weeks since I found out I was pregnant! It feels like time drags on, but looking back now, it seems to have flown by. I think once the appointments started to roll in, it seems quicker. Plus spending more time working and less in bed feeling queasy or suffering, has spend this second trimester up.

Really can't wait for the scan and to see the baby again and how different it'll look. I hope they'll get good pictures for us. We will be finding out the sex as we're both too impatient to wait! Plus it kind of gives the baby an identity and we can stop calling it 'it' all the time! :D

Have a great weekend x
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Okay, bad news first, I've gone up another 1.5lb this week. Now + 2.5lb. I'm hoping it's just because we picked a few things (ie. desserts ahem) up from M&S on Thursday and I've been enjoying those. Had a bit of an indulgent weekend what with dinner out on Saturday evening too (although it was quite late and so I paid for it all Saturday night with indigestion!).

Good news however is that on Saturday I left DH to go on a photowalk (worldwide thingy, didn't feel up to walking and standing for 2+ hours), and took a late shopping trip into Liverpool to find some new jeans. I decided I wanted some over the bump jeans, in part because my current ones (that I can still fit into fine) are wearing away on the inner thighs. Nothing new, they are well worn and over a year old. Going to leave them with my Mum next week when I see her, to see if she can patch them up for me for still getting some use out of them next year.

Anyway, so I got some over the bump jeans, as some of my t'shirts ride up a little (I have no maternity tops, just normal t'shirts and some of DH's t'shirts!) and I don't want my belly on display! After a quick look in mothercare at their sales and over the bump jeans (expensive and no way would they fit my thighs!) I popped into Next on the off chance. A serious off chance as I've never fit into anything from Next, but they had a sale on. I found some size 18s nonetheless and they fit! Also just £12 for the pair, reduced from £25 - more than happy and I see no reason why I probably can't get a good 9 months use out of them, and then hoping to see if my Mum can cut the top material down, hem it and make me some elasticated waist jeans for use next year :)

So more than happy that I have jeans without the rips (despite how fashionable some people may think they are!).

I've also spent the weekend researching pushchairs, carseats, carriers and nappies (reusable ones). Have to say... it's a minefield out there!
Well done on the bargain hunting, I am going to have to make time this week to buy some maternity trousers aswell. I have bought a few summery dresses which were nice and cheap and very comfortable but my jeans , are getting a little snug now and the rate my bump (and thighs) are growing they might not fit anyday now :rolleyes: and they are also frayed on the inner thigh LOL. You will probably find that you will wear your mat jeans for a few weeks after the birth too, as what with fluid retention and a flabby belly you won't feel comfortable in 'normal' clothes, you will def get your wear out of them ;).
I have just read that back and it sounds a bit depressing but that not how I meant it:eek:
Take care Jo
Love a bargain! And like you I never manage to find anything in next!
I have been looking at ebay for a nappy bag, and there are some very nice one's at really reasonable prices, I can get any color as my pram is the bebe comfort black (reusing from dd1), so just have to decide. I also bought a birth/yoga ball today from argos for only 4.99 will inflate it now and see what I think!

I think your doing amazingly well with your weight, 2 1/2 pounds at your stage means that you have most defiantly lost your body weight by now so well done! I think with my first pregnancy I was up a good 21 lbs by 20 weeks!

Thanks both. I even had DH ask me why didn't I get two pairs! Thing is, with working from home, I can get away with my cheapie Tesco trackie bottoms during the day, so it's just needing something to wear if we go out, without the 'air holes'!

Thanks mummytummy on the encouragement. I'm hoping the 2.5 lbs still go away (it's only natural!), just need to get my backside into gear and get walking. The constant rain (we're in the North West, it's rained every day since the hosepipe ban came into effect!) isn't helping, plus work is just manic.

And with that... back to work :(
I'm a bit annoyed/frustrated, waking at 5am and leaving me with time to think hasn't helped! Yesterday we had one of my SIL's here, DH's sister. Popped in for a cuppa at 11.30 and left 5 hours later, meaning we both had to work late into the day. That's annoying but not what wound me up!

She asked us if we'd be finding out the sex of the baby and we said yes. Then we got the whole 'oh I'd like it to be a surprise' etc. etc. That's fine, we won't tell you! As far as I'm concerned, a human being coming out of me is a surprise in itself! Anyway, she then started asking us about names and I always just make the comment that we're still thinking. DH however said we knew what we'd call it if it was a boy, and just still deciding on a girl's name we liked. When she asked what he then looked at me and was like 'oh you don't want to tell anyone do you' - hmm even though he's right in that I've asked him that we keep it to ourselves, I didn't appreciate him telling his sister that she wouldn't be told because of me.

So then I had to justify why we weren't saying. Fact is, all I want is a few things kept between us rather than telling the world just yet. I also don't want everyone's opinions on names we choose for our baby, whether they mean to or not, people make comments. Once you've named a baby and it's here, people tend to bite their tongue a bit more. So I've said I just don't want to hear everyone's opinions on the names we choose. Even my parents don't know. Anyway, she seemed to understand that but still kept on pushing for names, and then started to tell us what we should be considering, etc. etc.

So she doesn't want to know the sex of the baby but wants to know what it'll be called?! I briefly mentioned it to DH last night, and just said that whilst she's just being inquisitive, she needs to stop pushing (she's not the only one, a friend of ours keeps doing it too). I told him that it's easier to just say to people that we've not decided yet, which got him annoyed as he felt I was telling him off... (which then got me upset etc.).

It seems so trivial but it's wound me right up. Do people not want to give you any privacy once you're pregnant? It's hard enough getting DH to keep things private sometimes. Just wish people, regardless of status, would back off when basically asked to do so.

Meh, sorry for the rant, needed to vent somewhere and got no where else to do it.

On a brighter note, I think I've started to feel the baby kick inside, and possible had a light touch on my hand yesterday night. It felt quite active yesterday evening, and I'm sure the little occasional touch is a kick. It feels so cute. I've not told DH yet as I don't want to get him excited and then him not feel anything, so I want to be sure. :)
The short answer to this, is that, no, a lot of people seem to figure you don't get any privacy when you're pregnant, that the pregnancy and everything to do with it is public. But it's your pregnancy and you only have to tell people what you want to. It's fair enough I think for people to ask, but they should then back off when you tell them you don't want to say. I find that my real friends are generally OK about it, it seems to be the people you don't know that well and wouldn't really share things with that are the very nosy, pushy ones.

Won't be long til DH can feel the kicking too!
Thanks IB. It's wound me up a bit and it's hard to talk to DH as it's his sister. She was the one person I knew would keep giving opinions on everything and has never had kids. I know they want to get involved and I realise people are going to ask, but it's when they continue to push over things.

Think we'll keep the kicking to ourselves for a while...! It's just nice to share a little secret that no one else knows (well, besides the lovely ladies on here ;))
I have problems with MIL - she only wants a girl, a boy isn't good enough! When I was pregnant with DS she told us she didn't want a boy and when he was born he was "just another boy". It really made me fume and still does, no child is "just" anything to its parents. This one looks likely to be a girl but I'm not telling her that until I want to and definitely not until the doc is sure, rather than almost sure. She keeps demanding to know the sex, no interest in the other elements of the pregnancy, just the gender. She doesn't know when to back off either.

We have one acquaintance here, not a friend, who doesn't normally talk to us but will waylay me and try to make me tell her all about the problems we're having with the pregnancy. It makes me mad, she's not friendly to me usually, she's not really interested in how we are, she just wants gossip to spread and I'm not going to give it to her. She will literally stand in front of me and ask the same question six times in a row and be really astonished that I'm not going to give her the info she wants. It's my life, it's up to me who I share things with.

I always figure if you ask someone about their pregnancy and they're vague or evasive, it's a signal they don't really want to talk about it so you move on to another topic but some people won't let it go even when you're blunt to the point of rudeness!

Have you had any people try to touch the bump without asking yet? I find that rude!

You and DH should enjoy the pregnancy and share things with others when you want to, nothing wrong with keeping things to yourself for a while longer. And as for names, that's a decision for you two and no-one else.