Hey Jessy!
It was fab thank you - it really does feel like home now. We had lots of friends and family come to visit, drank plenty of bubbly and watched loads of Breaking Bad! Hopefully going to get curtains for the lounge tonight so looking forward to that
How was your weekend?
Thanks lovely one! So impressed with your 6-week plan-smashing. Can you send me some motivation, please? I'm really really struggling to get back in the zone!! xx
Aww thanks Jessy! There are quite a few rugs like that around but we went for the Next one, which was slightly more expensive than the one in Wilko we liked because it was much softer and picked up the mocha colour of the curtains.
I'm still not sleeping especially well in the new house - being detached there are lots of different noises and it's taking some getting used to. Although our new bed is super-duper comfy so at least I don't mind lying there awake too much! xx