Hiya lovely, Are you feeling better today? I put some raspberries or sliced strawberries into the bottom of a Kilner jar or round tupperware, top with 1/2 a pot of Muller Light or Muller Greek. Sprinkle in my oats (this morning I just used 17g as 1/2 HEXB but you can use the whole lot), then top with the rest of the yoghurt and then with more fruit. Stick 'em in the fridge and the next day they are spot on. It does depend on how thick your yoghurt is - I don't think a Muller Greek would be enough to soak a full HEXB of oats, so you'd be better using a Muller Light as you get a bit more. As for fast days, I always do them on work days - I definitely couldn't do one on a weekend. Although if you have a day off in the week, it might work for you? I sometimes do them on my work from home days so that I can prep low cal food a bit easier, but I did one yesterday in the office and it was fine

There are quite a few of us on here combining SW with 5:2 so if you want some fast day inspiration, check out Lil or Ging's diaries too. Hope this helps! xxx