Baby steps are better than no steps honey.
You'll look GORGEOUS and will wipe the floor with Dave's ex! Just smile with your beautiful smile.
You know you'll get back on it and having the dress to aim for will help. I got exactly where I wanted to be with the focus of Vegas and the west coast last year I just lost it when we got back.....
I totally get the migraine thing but it isn't in your control at all and you can't predict when they will come either![]()
Just make good choices when you can and break yourself in gently! Getting back on track is so hard!
Ian used to feel like that as most of my friends came from my ex, but he gets on great guns with them now. What's your dress like honey?Ah thanks hun. Not threatened by the ex at's just a bit of a random situation having friends in the same circle. Just want to make sure I look super fabulous next to Dave as he's an usherxxx
Dress is from Coast - purple with a lacy top and then big ruffly skirt (cocktail length) - Mum treated me in the Debenhams sale after Christmas but it's too tight at the mo! Need to get back to 10st ish for it to zip up! With silver shoes and a silver handbag I reckon xxx
xmlfeed | Black IZZY FEATHER DRESS | Coast Stores Limited
The top part is like this, but in a mid-purple colour and the skirt is ruffled material rather than feathers! xxx