Target? Bring it on!
Ooh I didn't realise Aldi ones came in choc and orange. Will have a have a look! There isn't one terribly near us, but definitely worth a little drive to have a look. Thanks for the tip honey xx
So well put! Something I also need to think about when I'm straying away from the plan. Hope you manage to get back on track and get that 1/2st back off soon xI love my new size 10/12 wardrobe much more than I love wine and custard creams. I need to remember that!
Congrats on the 1lb off mrs!x
Thanks sweety! How are things with you?xx
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All good here thanks, really hoping the scales shift tomorrow after a week of Success Express! I'm going to look like a lettuce leaf soon!!x
The random 'shall we share a bottle of wine?' conversations with Dave on a random Tuesday or whatever need to stop! I love my new size 10/12 wardrobe much more than I love wine and custard creams. I need to remember that!
Happy hump day to you too!
This is so true, I also need to remember this xx