I'm just about to update my stats to stop me living in denial. This is going to be depressing...xx
Oh jeez...that takes me into overweight BMI again. That's horrible...feel like I've massively let myself down. It's so silly - I've been gorging myself for no good reason. I could have been at target and instead I feel a bit like I'm starting again. Damn and blast.
Well, I suppose there's no point beating myself up. I'm back on plan now...I have 6 weeks to get back into the 9s ready for my birthday and it's all going to be fine!
Its not depressing - its eye opening! So frigging easy for the lbs to jump back on (the little bar stewards!) and what seems like a lot of work to get them off!
The great thing is that it defo has seemed to spur you into gear because this is the most you've posted probably all week! It'll help you focus and the little ditty you put up is so true.
I'm hoping for a 2lb loss tomorrow which will give me 8.5 to go to target so it seems like a few of us have the same we want to lose for various reasons/dates. I reckon we can gee each other along and get there together? A little healthy competition between us galsxx
Welcome back!! Wow @ the birthday weekend - that is an AMAZING way to welcome in your 30s!!Fab incentive to get those pesky pounds vanished!
Thanks sweety. How's it going?xx
What a fantastic 30th birthday celebration!!!!
Mine is next month, nothing as exotic as that though! I can't believe I'm nearly 30 though, bah. Lol.
Everything's good here thanks, am on holiday countdown - 11 days before I have to bare all in a bikini!How's the first few days of getting back on plan going? xx
Hurrah for red days
So, my plan for tomorrow is:
B - overnight oats (vanilla muller, hexb1 oats, raspberries)
L - hexb2 ryvita with hexa Philly light, bacon medallions and tomatoes
D - steak, bns chips and salad
Snacks - banana mini mars ice cream (4 syns - if I can find them in tesco!)
Now that is a good food day!! xx
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