Sausage on a mission - veggie green days diary

Bad luck on the gain SS, seems a tad unfair from where I'm sitting - even considering the pie incident. Better luck next week hun x
Sunday 25th September

2 egg mushroom omelette and a tomato

BNS and chickpea slow cooked stew thing
couscous with feta and apricots (2 x hexB)
salad leaves
minty yoghurt

fruit salad - mango, kiwis, banana, strawberries

milk for coffees (hexA)
2 x carrot cake (3 syns)

Total syns: 3
Fluids: good
Exercise: none

The slow cooked stew was not exciting on its own, but lovely with the cheesy couscous. Glad to have a good day under my belt as I was struggling for a bit there :)


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Ooh that dinner looks really good! Sounds as though you're right back on track, fingers crossed for an uneventful week with no unforeseen food dramas and temptations (does your daughter have cookery this week?!)
Yep, more cookery this week. As well as the pie, she brought home trifle last week, which I resisted. *loves trifle* She only took cookery as a skive, but turns out she is really enjoying it. Week before last, she made speedy soup :D
Oh blimey, trifle, that would have tipped me over the edge how blooming gorgeous is that. Seriously though, you should complain - I thought schools were supposed to promote healthy eating.

My daughter does cookery but she's 5 so they only come home with say - 1 biscuit and it's not necessarily the one she made as it's a group class. The thought of all the kids sticking their hands in and rolling out the dough is generally enough to put me off testing it tbh (but sadly not always).
Hey sausage, I laughed at your statistics but you are so right lol!

Good luck for this week, focus hun. Hope you get the big loss you deserve next weigh in.x

I have pakora envy!
Cooo-eeee I'm here! :wavey:

Well kinda here. My brain is mush due to snotty boy keeping me awake all night with his coughing. But I have done all my SW homework, eaten my veg, taken photos, done the sums, so here goes...

Monday 26th September

2 x olde quorn sausages
2 x fried eggs

speedy soup
fruit salad and yoghurt

BNS and chickpea slow cooked stew thing
couscous with feta and apricots (2 x hexB)
minty yoghurt

milk (hexA)
2 x carrot cake (3 syns)

Total syns: 3
Fluids: good
Exercise: none (does painting woodwork count?)
Tuesday 27th September

porridge made with milk (hexB + hexA)
fruit salad

beans on toast (hexB)
quorn burger (0.5 syn)

wholewheat pasta topped with feta (hexA), fresh basil and peanuts (4 syns)
herby roast veg
salad leaves

fruit salad
2 x carrot cake (3 syns)

Total syns: 7.5
Fluids: good
Exercise: none

Went to Aldi and got loads of cheapo fruit and veg. Made a big bowl of fruit salad to munch on (pineapple, mango, banana, kiwi, pear and grapes). Just chopped it all up at the coffee table in front of the telly. Stops my hands wandering off into the kitchen in the evening.


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Wednesday 28th September

porridge made with milk (hexB + hexA)
fruit salad

speedy soup
apple and banana

beany ratatouille with wholewheat pasta and cheese (hexA)
salad leaves and balsamic vinegar

carrot cake with fruit salad and Greek yoghurt (1.5 syns)

Oaty bar (hexB)

Total syns: 1.5
Fluids: good
Exercise: none

My top moneyspinning tip for making beany stews is to use Crosse and Blackwell baked beans. They are horrible, but taste fine when cooked in a herby sauce and are only 25p a can.


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Oh good, you're here. Was worried there may have been another 'cookery class incident' and you were lurking. Far from it in fact - your menus look FAB!

I've never been in an Aldi before - it sounds as though you got some bargains. Hope your lad gets better soon, it's awful when they're ill x
Aldi is great - 31p for a tin of chopped tomatoes! :eek:

I have my son's lurgy today. Was inevitable I guess :(

My food this week has been generally good, but last night my neighbour had a ladies night party thing. I ate loads of healthy snacks, but not SW friendly ones. Nuts, cheese, dried fruit and... erm...fermented grape juice :eek:

Tonight I just ate a doggy bag from the party for dinner. Waste not want not. Plus too wabbit to cook. Weigh in tomorrow. Not expecting much.
Anyway last night I tried the SW pakoras and they were tasty but crumbly. The recipe states 2 tbsp of curry powder, but I used 1 tbsp curry, 1 tsp garam masala and 1 tsp fennel seeds and it was very spicy. I think 2 tbsp of curry would blow yer head off.

The Ashoka pink pakora sauce was a syn free triumph!

3 tbsp greek yog
1 tbsp chopped tomatoes (from a carton)
1 tsp hot chilli powder
1 tsp dried mint
pinch of salt

Ooh they look scrummy, must try that sauce! :) What was the SW recipe? Quite fancy trying it but wondering if I could stick some egg or something it to de-crumblify it?
This week's result:
Half a pound off for me this week which I am dead chuffed about as it takes me under 200 again. Had a good week, but my neighbour's party and doggy bag cancelled out any bigger loss.

Feeling rough today. Think I will make big pots of soup and cajun stew so I don't have to cook this week.

Hi Ermintrude. I will get the recipe. BRB>>>>>
Spicy vegetable pakoras - Recipes - Slimming World

Serves: 4
Syns per serving: free on green and EE


2 large white potatoes, cooked and mashed to a firm consistency with no butter or milk
1 red onion, diced
½ large bag of frozen chopped vegetable mix (sweetcorn, broccoli, carrot, cauliflower)
2 tbsp curry powder (use mild, medium or hot to suit your own taste)
3-4 tbsp fat free yogurt
1 egg, beaten
Fry Light


1. Pre heat the oven to 200°C/Gas 6. Place the mashed potato, diced onion and defrosted vegetables into a bowl and combine thoroughly.

2. Stir the curry powder into the yogurt and add this to the vegetable mix and stir thoroughly.
3. Beat the egg and add it to the mixture, stirring constantly. The mix should still be quite firm, but if its too runny add more vegetables.
4. Line a baking tray/wire rack with baking paper to prevent to pakoras from sticking, and spoon the mixture onto the tray in tablespoon sized 'dollops'.
5. Spray with Fry Light and bake for approximately 30-40 minutes - or until firm on the outside and golden brown. 7. Allow to cool slightly so that the pakoras firm up.

Tip: Tip: I prefer to eat these once they have cooled, with a raita made from fat free yogurt, mint sauce and chopped coriander. They make a great Friday-night TV treat and are packed with Superfree foods!

Add chunks of pre-cooked chicken tikka and make them a delicious Syn free meal on Extra Easy.
Ooh yummy yummy thanks very much! :)

Mm SW burgers and stuff are often quite crumbly aren't they. I see its already got yoghurt and egg in it... Mmm strange, maybe Ill try putting a bit of cheese in and using a HEX! Think that will work with spicy stuff? I shall find out!

Ta for that, gonna start planning next week's menu today I fink :)
Hi Erm, did you check out this link? I think my spuds were too mushy, but this guy's pakora looks great and not at all crumbly.

There is a guy on youtube who makes pakoras and he uses par boiled spuds then frylights them on the hob rather than the oven. Might try that next time as the SW ones were a bit crumbly.

Yus's Vegetable Pakoras - Syn-Free - YouTube

I have been batch cooking all afternoon...

speedy soup
olde sausage, bean and veg cajun stew
mushroom and lentil loaf
wholemeal loaf
fruit salad I have no excuse to eat rubbish!
Ooh no I havent I shall go and have a gander, ta very much x :)