Hey everyone sorry I didn't do my daily update yesterday. I'm sure that you haven't missed it too much haha
I didn't do too badly food wise I had my usual sausage and mash. I had some garlic bread in work again because I enjoyed it do much the day before haha
Work went quite quickly yesterday I had my break smack bang in he middle of my shift 4-5. Didn't do too bad on the activity points yesterday I earnt 12. I was on the bar for the first half of my shift so that's why it's not any higher
It was really quiet from 5 onwards. We ran out of meat for the carvery and that resulted in some unhappy customers. Especially as we're a carvery pub. Oops.
My mum and brother came home yesterday. I was in bed by the time they came in though so had a sit down and a chat with them this morning.
Total: 5pp
Sausage and mash
Garlic bread
Total: 16pp
Hula hoops
Total: 5pp
Total: 0pp
Total: 0pp
Total dailies used today: 26/37
Total weeklies used today: 0/49
Total weeklies used this week: 2/49
Activity points earned today: 12/60
Activity points earned this week: 77/60
Activity points used this week: 0/77
I added up wrong yesterday that's why it doesn't add up lol