Silver Member
Breakie looks yum I love stuff like that!
Good that your busy in work and that your working until your family come home so you won't be bored off your tree!
No plans for me! Well not that I'm aware of yet but that could all change! To be honest I just Wana sit on my butt and do absolutely nothing lol
Ya only have 4 more hrs in work your nearly done xXx
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It was lush! I didn't have any weight watchers sausages left or it would of been a 20 pp breakfast.
The roll was massive they're the ones I use for my chicken burger treat on weigh day lol 6pp unreal lol I would usually have ww bread so it was a nice change!
Yeah I'm glad I'm working everyday. Long shifts most days too tomorrow is a short 5-11. But Sunday is 12-11 and Monday is 12-9
That sounds good I do that on my weekends ( weekdays) when I'm off work. I quite like having my days off in the week and working on the weekend
I can't believe you're still 5pp short on your dailies even with that HUGE breakfast! Hope work isn't too bad, bet you'll earn plenty of AP! X
I know I did have a peanut bar for 2pp after I wrote that so that's 3pp short now lol.
Work was really ok today ( I was about to write enjoyable but then thought that was an exaggeration lol)
14 activity points earned today. Potentially 15 if I get up off this sofa anytime in the near future haha. Unlikely!
How's your holiday going so far?