Silver Member
3.5lb off for me this week. Over the moon!!!
James is doing good haha. Same old thanks for asking. No I wasn't congratulations. How is maintaining?
Woo hoo!!!!![]()
Maintaining is HARD! The 1st Week I STS but 2nd Week I lost another 1lb, waiting to see what the Scales say tomorrow! Well Done on losing 3.5lbs yourselfx
Thanks ladies.
Maintaining is supposed to be the hardest bit. :/. Good luck.
Thanks SweetieDo you have any plans for the Weekend? X
Well I have kettlebells on Saturday morning then work at 12 till 6 so that's Saturday gone.
Sunday I have kettlebells and swimming and hopefully Sunday lunch haha
How about you?
Mmmmmm Sunday Lunch! You'll be busy with your Kettlebells by the sounds of it? I've never tried them myself! I've got my Yummy Din Dins tonight, tomorrow I'm going to an Arts n Crafts Day and not too sure on Sunday yet. X
2 kettle bells & a swim in 2 days, that's pretty epic! Are you still wearing your pedometer??
I oh to kettlebells 3 times a week the gym twice and swimming 4 times..
I'm going to start this class on little trampolines twice a week too hopefully haha.
I am still wearing my pedometer. Religiously ha ha.
It looks really good they're only little trampets. So it's more about pushing down than jumping up supposed to be really good / painfulTranpolining...I loved that in school! Enjoy![]()
Wow! That's a lot of Exercise! I lost my Pedometer a few weeks ago :-( Was :-( x
It looks really good they're only little trampets. So it's more about pushing down than jumping up supposed to be really good / painful
Awh that sucks. I dropped mine down the toilet and flushed it hahaha. Luckily I had bought my mum one. She doesn't use it anymore so I stole it ha.
I'd have to buy a new one mind I'd be lost with out it ha
I was gutted to lose mine :-( Haven't been able to replace it yet either. X
I know how you feel I'd be gutted if I didn't have one.
Just finished my kettlebells sesh for today having a little walk home. Then. Work. Exciting ha.
What time will u finish work? Hows your food looking for today? X
I finished work at 6
Just come in and had tea.
Did well on the food front until I had my tea lol
Had a bacon and egg sandwich which was 6 for lunch because I can't eat before kettlebells.
And I had one welshcake and a pack of ryvita in work so that's 4 (10 all together)
That leaves me with 24 for my tea but I think I may have gone over I will work it out below I had korma
Chicken 3
Sauce 4
Bhaji 8
Rice 5
Naan 5
Chips (hardly any at all) 4
I think I've only gone over by 5 or 6 which isn't too bad really I've earnt 18 activity points today already so I've more than covered it
How's your day been?
Your Food sounds scrummy today! Was that a Takeaway? My day has been MANIC, will get round to updating my diary shortly! X