Scarlett to target one day at a time

Ah, fair enough! It is hard enough keeping on top of my regular subscribed ones as it is! Although 20s has been quiet. I need to drop Emily a line to check she is ok. She isn't on holiday again is she?

Is mike marching you around tonight or is it a night off?
I'm not sure actually if Emily is away, I found it hard to keep up with 20s for a while and lost track of what was what in there! Should get back to there really, miss the old group though, Mandy, jess, Jenna, etc. was a good laugh.
Lol no, no marching tonight. We are both exhausted and literally took it in turns to cook while the other slumped on the sofa. Eaten now so both slumped ready for the soaps. Will be in bed as soon as they're finished though, all that fresh air today!

Dinner was lovely although I did eat more than I should, at least it will keep me going till bed!
Same re the old group. It feels a bit "woe is me" most of the time recently. I'll pester Emily later tonight.

Bless the tag team cooking. I got in, got Nate some food and started cooking right away. If I don't stop and sit down it is ok. If I sit down I do not want to get back up again! We ave corrie on now, looking forward to broadchurch tonight. It is just down the road from us. It is really called west bay.
I seem to be the only person in the world that hasn't watched it and I'm gutted now! My mum, best friend and sister in law are currently debating their theories on who it is on a Facebook status lol. My mum has said she is going to get it onDVD when it comes out to see where she missed clues so at least ill get to watch it then!
Ooh how exciting it being right near you, there's so many pretty places round your way im not surprised they film stuff there.

Yeah 20's has got a bit like that I totally agree, I still read but rarely comment now. Hard to have a one sided conversation.

My mistake was sitting down for sure, how is Nate? Apart from cutie pants? Lol
Ah bless your mum. Do watch it because it s really good. We have theories but it is impossible to work out. It is gorgeous down here.

I know what you mean about one sided conversations... I do the same reading but not commenting. I'm liking the 14 to 13 stone group at the moment, the 15 to 14 wasn't very good. So glad you have a diary so I can catch up with you :)

Nate is good. He is passed out in bed now. Got him some new books. I think I am going to have to get him a library card!
I'm mainly a diary lurker now, never followed anyone's till quite recently, since starting my own I only tend to glance over the main forum and stick in here where its safe :) it is nice knowing where to find people, glad I found your diary too so we can natter :)

Yeah getting him a library card is a great idea, I love using the library with little ones, so lovely to see them really enjoying books. I've always been a bookworm and it seems to be a dying thing now which is a shame so anything that encourages children to read more is great. Beats giving them an iPhone for sure! The girls still think we have bought the books from the library then they get confused when we take them back again. Its clearly a new concept to them haha! Nate sounds such a clever sausage bet he will be an early reader.

How are your housey preparations coming along? Did you find some curtains? X
Getting quite nervous for interview now, I have a good feeling about the job and the parents and I know I usually get on well in interviews but I want it so much I'm worrying now! Hope I don't let my nerves feck it up. Need to get my refs details sorted to take with me. Got all my certificates together and still need to get through work tomorrow beforehand! Scared!
foods looking yummy hun, ooooo is your interview tomorrow?? xx
Ooh, good luck hun! I know you will wow them. Have a good red day :) I suck at them so I am impressed you are doing another one.

The kitchen, loo and bathroom arall done, but that is it. We have some posh wood effect lino tiles, which will go in the hallway and probably the lounge, I will do the stairs and landing and my room in carpet probably and still wondering about Nate's room, because he will be playing in there I'm not sure carpet is a good idea, but I don't want the room to feel cold. All very boring I know!
Thanks hun hope you're right!
I'm trying another red as I have loads of meat here to snack on haha! Althought I have confused myself with my hexa, think I will have to syn the milk in my drinks now rather than count as hexa.i saw some dairylea light and got that for my second hexa and had some in my sandwich and got another for a snack later, but forgot I need cheese for my dinner. Yep I will count syns for my milk so 3 so far. Plus a mini croissant snuck into my mouth after lunch, damn things! Another 4.

At least some of the house is done already, the floor for the lounge sounds nice. Have you found carpet already or still looking? There are some nice ones for kids online that are like carpet but printed mats for kids rooms. Might be worth a look as it won't be caret as such but enough to cover bits of the floor to keep it warm and soft to play on. X
Having a seriously stressful day. We went to a playgroup this morning and girls were being little wotsits and they've not stopped since . My friend who is also a nanny said good luck as we left as they were being such pains! Felt I needed a sugar hit and had a teaspoon of honey lol! Hit the spot but want more now.. Might just get in the car and drive with them in a min, if they are strapped into car seats they can't misbehave too much surely!?
Love that pic, I'm def the last one too haha

Sorry to hear your having a hard day, I'm sort of sat around waiting for boyfriend to come home with the car and for a reasonable time to get my running gear on before going to WI. Neighbours have got their music on really loud, glad I'm going to be out for a lot of the evening...

Good luck with the girls,
Hi I'm back and think it went really well! They were lovely and were a bit nervous about the interview themselves as they haven't had a nanny before.
They kept saying how excited they were to find me on there and were saying "when you start" and "you could take them there when you have them" etc. Children sound really sweet, girl of 5, boy of 2.5 and one of each twins due in July. Get to go and meet the children on Friday next week so will find out for sure after that x