Scarlett to target one day at a time

That is brilliant! Geez, no wonder she will need a nanny! So sweet they werr nervous too. I will keep my fingers crossed for you.
Morning all, bleugh feeling so bloated today, need a good week next week to make up for my up and downness this week!

Today's ee plan

Breakfast- hexb bran flakes with banana and grapes chopped on, ff fromage frais and a little hexa milk. (Rest for coffee/tea today)

Lunch - sw fry up, Bacon, egg, mushrooms, tomato

Dinner- think ill try the chicken and red pepper Malaysian curry with rice or noodles.
Didn't find the mushrooms till after I'd cooked it so didn't have them instead I thought I'd have peppers chopped up and dry fried and tinned tomatoes instead of beans. Was really filling at the time but here I am an hour later with a tumble tummy! I can't possibly actually be hungry. Will have a drink and pear and hope that helps.
Change of plan.. Again! I've turned it into a red day because what I've eaten so far couldn't be a green but was really hungry and fancied some porridge so used 2nd hexb on that, as well as 2syns on a frube! Hope that sorts me out!
Dinner now I might work out syns for some noodles or just have the curry with a salad or something. Or possibly roasted carrots and pepper. Getting seriously annoyed with myself this week! Tonight if I get chance I will plan for the next week including plenty of syn free and low snacks and bloody well stick to it!
Just had the Malaysian red pepper curry- it was so good! Will def be making that again. Had 100g of cooked noodles for 6syns, I love noodles with curry so couldn't resist! 13 syns total today, this week has been far too high, will not be expecting much for weigh in in the morning but I will be resetting my syn count for the week. New week, will have a better one!

Had some good news today (could 2013 be my year?! Bar the redundancy (which prob did me a favour) Its already 10x better than the whole of 2012) the solicitor dealing with my compensation claim has finally come up with an amount to ask the other side for, she said we will go in high but even the lower end of what she will accept is double what I was expecting! I might this year for the first time since the day I turned 18 be debt free! It will be short lived thought cos I will then be saving for a mortgage so back into massive debt but at least that one will be worthwhile! Just hope it resolves quickly now, already been almost 16months since my accident, such a long drawn out process!
Aww hun, maybe it is dismissing the initial hunger. Catching up with you it read "this is the plan" then "i'm hungry, I will have water and a pear and ignore it." Then "4 syns" then "oooh will make it red for a 2nd heb" so the planning syn free/ low syn snacks will really help this week I think. If i try to ignore hunger I eat the whole kitchen.

That red pepper curry is lush. Does that mean you have the asia book? Fab news about the compensation too. Obviously it is rotten to go through something like that but being out of debt will be amazing.
Morning 1/2lb on today but to be honest surprised it wasn't more after the weekend!
Today a bit of a funny one, mum boss has decided to come home for lunch so she asked me to make them all a sausage casserole, no problem but I'm not eating it. Never seen so much fat come out of a sausage in my life! It's mainly veggies but I'm going to have savoury rice and veg instead! Think I'll tell her I don't like sausages..

Anyway today's green plan,

Breakfast - fruit and ff fromage frais. More grazing than breakfast but find this stops the munchies!
Lunch - savoury rice and veg
Dinner egg on toast hexb with tinned tomatoes and beans.

Hexa milk throughout the day in drinks. Going to Zumba with my sister in law tonight so will eat as soon as I get in then if I need something after I can have a second hex b.
Yep got lots of fruit, ff fromage frais, got some special k cracker crisps for 5 syns ( had three of them out the bag but going to try and graze on them through the day to make them last) plus carrot sticks so should see me through!
I've changed plan very slightly but only in that I've used 1/2 a hexb for half a tbsp of extra Virgin olive oil as I thought it would be tastier frying the veg and rice before boiling it so still have 1.5 hexb to use for dinner and after Zumba. I'll prob have the half at dinner so I'm not jumping about with a full belly then got a hex a and b to use when I get home. I'm thinking pizza toast :) feeling good today and focused - long may it last!
And thanks for the Zumba good wishes! Have been a couple of times before and really enjoyed it, it's amazing the bits that ache the next day. I remember I had really sore wrists last time from twirling them as we did the moves haha!
Hopefully this will become a regular thing and it works well for me as Thursday is mikes football night. Only thing will be if I get the job it will be on too early for me to get back but I think they do a later session on a Tuesday too so will be able to work around it!