Scarlett to target one day at a time

Had a tsp light mayo for 2syns, 6 mikado for 3syns, the 1syn sugar this morning and a chocolate malted milk for 3.
Been mega busy so not had time to update! Been good this week since the weekend food wise, went a couple of syns over today. Don't think I'll lose tomorrow after the heavy weekend and toilet issues yet again! End of star week and have worked out that def affects my toileting habits! Tmi sorry!

Got to open some birthday presents early today, won't be at home with mike at all tomorrow so got my new sewing machine from him plus a gorgeous cat pattern sewing box. Very happy with it and can't wait to get going with it- barely time to blow my nose at the moment though what with work but love my new job so much!
Might be having dinner at mums tomorrow after opening birthday presents, knowing my mum there will be cake, I'll have a little slice, cant say no to birthday cake especially my own! :)
Thanks fran and sarah. Was a loveky weekend thanks! Been so blooming busy this week not had time to update but been on plan but a few extra syns here and there. We had the little boys birthday party on Monday and I get provided lunch which was the party spread so I had to pick at the party food, wasn't too bad but white rolls rather than wholemeal which we've had to use up yesterday plus some cake but been having good breakfasts and dinners with plenty of superfree so who knows!
I loved my new dress when I wore it friday, had meant to get a full length pic but totally forgot! Wearing it to my best friends surprise 30th on sat so will get a pic then! X
Hey hun, sorry for the delayed response - I thought I'd posted on my phone but obviously the app wasn't playing nicely!

Really glad you had a great birthday weekend - sounds like you had great fun. You must definitely show us your dress after the party on Saturday :) xx
Hello, been awol again. So busy think I've only had an hour at home awake all week! Got nothing at all to do this weekend so I'm very much looking forward to it! Given myself a little project to do but no stress, will take my time and hopefully find it relaxing!
I've found a dress pattern online with a step by step video accompaniment so I've got all the bits I need (except the fabric which will hopefully arrive in the morning!) and I'm planning to crack on with that in between doing nothing at all!
All meals been on plan, but have slipped a few times with snacks.
Didn't weigh this week, totally forgot in my zombie state getting ready for work yesterday.
Will weigh next week and hopefully get a half decent loss for 2 weeks.
Will do my best to keep this updated but with a week to go till the twins arrive it's busy busy busy and prob will only get busier when they make an appearance! Xx
Been nice settling in and getting to know the older ones before the chaos ensues! :) can't wait though, teeny tiny cuddles! Yay!

No fabric didn't arrive, misread the shipping info, its second class so won't come till next week. I did however pop to a fabric shop in town and had the loveliest girl helping me, she was so helpful its nice to have some fabulous customer service. I even gave her and the shop a recommendation on our towns Facebook page.
Have a 2/3's finished dress! Thought I'd make a start today, started at 3.30 and by 8pm stopped. just got the zip to insert and hems and edges to tidy! Can't wait to finish then have another load of fabric arriving next week that can be made into something else :) already got the bug! Xx