Scotsmists Take on Life!!!!!! And everything else :-)

Hive coming tomorrow Mary :)!!!!
Posted some pics on FB wall for you, re: proposal :-0!!

They are from Tunc's album and didnt know how to re-route them to here !!!!! So, FB they are now :)
Off for a look now Iris.......good news on the hive, I hope your bees will be very happy Bees indeed.
I can't find those pic Iris - it's probably me - can you point me in the right direction or maybe post a link?? Ta xx
Iris, i looked for the pics too - can't see em :(
they are on my wall...may have click onto older posts...only posted yesterday but not sure what you will see; but they are showing :)
Monday 7th June

Started off good...but not finished so well!

50gm fruit and fibre


Egg, asparagus and beetroot salad
2 kiwis
1 orange

WEnt to pick Tunc up from Manchester Eye Infirmary and well, a bag of Thorntons jumped into meeee bag and mouth :-( why, oh why oh why...feel that slippery slope coming!!!

Was suppose to get a phone call from this place in Derby (support for ED) on call!! I emailed them tonight asking what had happened! They want me to be involved in an NHS survey...doing a letter saying what the support is like for people like me! You bet I am going to write a letter! I am so annoyed that because my BMI is not less than 14 I am left to just sort this out on my own..I cant do it! I dont feel despair like I have done...but I feel that this is going to haunt me all my days!! I dont want it to.

I have done almost 10,000 steps today, but only drank under 2 litres of water..actually, I will go and drink another litre now! My legs and back and neck are just in pain and have now come out in spots all over my right arm...big huge ones like I have been bitten all over! Maybe I am run down and my body is shouting out at me.

Still happy and just not letting anything getting me down. Hive comes tomorrow and then the bees shortly afterwards :) must admit, really excited....

Oh, forgot to add
half tub of carrot, corriander soup
2 slices bread

Wast hungry, WONDER WHY ;)

As soon as I came home got into my jim jams ...lovely!!!!
Oh Iris how frustrating for you. It's not right that when people who have 'issues' finally admit what's going on, acknowledge that they need help and then ask for it only to find it's just not there. Or there in such a way that doesn't address the fact that the help is needed NOW! There doesn't even seem to be any sort of 'holding' thing as in supportive, encouraging messages to at least give some hope of seeing someone/getting something done SOON!

Grrrrr! I really feel for you xxx
I couldn't find the pics earlier either Iris.

I dont blame you for writing to them, and give them a good piece of your mind. How frustrating when phone calls are promised and then zilch. Makes me so mad.

Iris, you feel the slippery slope coming, but you are still being so positive, that in itself is a really good thing, and more promising than how I have read your posts in the past. I think you are doing tremendously chick. xxx
That is one of the things that frustrate the hell out of me ... being promised a call and then nothing! I wouldve been on the phone to em by 4pm saying hello have you forgotten about me? seeing as there is only 1hour left of the working day today! Bloody fools!!!

And it sucks there is no help for you :( You've either got to be at one end of the extreme scale! Sucks to no end right!
Oh Iris how frustrating for you. It's not right that when people who have 'issues' finally admit what's going on, acknowledge that they need help and then ask for it only to find it's just not there. Or there in such a way that doesn't address the fact that the help is needed NOW! There doesn't even seem to be any sort of 'holding' thing as in supportive, encouraging messages to at least give some hope of seeing someone/getting something done SOON!

Grrrrr! I really feel for you xxx

You are so right Jan..I remember when I actually admited to the nurse that I had an was awful, but she didnt know what to do,..sent me to a dietician who basically told me to go away cause I could probably tell her a thing or too!! Then got sent to the docs,,then to the place last year and they said no funding!! And the story goes and the process is no different!!! The NHS needs to waken up..not slating it cause the NHS is brill and I take my hat off to the system we have in the UK, BUT, anorexia and bulimia are probably less prevalent than binge eaters now!!! In that place I went to out of 6, 3 of us were binge eaters!! come on, that says a lot!!!!!

In some ways I wish I had never admitted it because it got worse as soon as I uncovered it!! mm...strange.

I couldn't find the pics earlier either Iris.

I dont blame you for writing to them, and give them a good piece of your mind. How frustrating when phone calls are promised and then zilch. Makes me so mad.

Iris, you feel the slippery slope coming, but you are still being so positive, that in itself is a really good thing, and more promising than how I have read your posts in the past. I think you are doing tremendously chick. xxx

Yes, I know Mary..I feel ok though...I can tell what is coming, but I am enjoying life too much to let it get me down, but then again, if it continues for a week then I could feel differently! But, I will just have to lock myself away in the office and not go out therefore, not allowing myself any hiccups!! Sad really :)...worse thing is, I am not interested in meals at the minute, which aint good either!!!

That is one of the things that frustrate the hell out of me ... being promised a call and then nothing! I wouldve been on the phone to em by 4pm saying hello have you forgotten about me? seeing as there is only 1hour left of the working day today! Bloody fools!!!

And it sucks there is no help for you :( You've either got to be at one end of the extreme scale! Sucks to no end right!

I think complacency just settled in Tanya...I kept looking for the email to come to say sorry, but it never did...the girl that was suppose to phone me did say she was out that day and her colleague was meant to phone instead..anyhow, they are suppose to phone me, lets see what they say. I still dont know what they can do to be point saying email support..I get that on here, more than they will be able to offer me! I need something a bit more proactive..

Anyhow ladies, I am bearing up and dont feel down about it in anyway, just frustrated at my Achilles heel :) so to speak!!

Sorry about the photos and technology! Tunc has promised he will give me the little stick of our wee meet last week and my walk on Saturday......yippeeee..!!!!

In some ways I wish I had never admitted it because it got worse as soon as I uncovered it!! mm...strange.

This actually makes perfect sense ... You admit it - you go for help so it's as if you've given yourself permission to do it out in the open - which has to be easier (and therefore allows you to do it more) than doing it in secret. You are also challenging them to help you - it's like you're saying " I told you this is what I was doing look at me, LOOK AT ME, SEE WHAT I'M DOING!!! I TOLD YOU WHAT I WAS DOING!!! LOOK I'M STILL DOING IT AND YOU'RE NOT HELPING ME .... IF YOU'RE NOT HELPING ME YOU ARE GIVING ME PERMISSION TO CARRY ON DOING IT!!!!!!!!! IT'S YOUR FAULT!!!"

Ooooops .... phew - sorry, got a bit carried away there - it just makes me cross. It's like they hold out a stick of help and when you reach for it they turn round and beat you with it!!! xxx
Ha Ha - I was thinking - what on earth does that have to do with what I posted? - then I realised you were answering Mary and our posts had crossed LOL!! :D
This actually makes perfect sense ... You admit it - you go for help so it's as if you've given yourself permission to do it out in the open - which has to be easier (and therefore allows you to do it more) than doing it in secret. You are also challenging them to help you - it's like you're saying " I told you this is what I was doing look at me, LOOK AT ME, SEE WHAT I'M DOING!!! I TOLD YOU WHAT I WAS DOING!!! LOOK I'M STILL DOING IT AND YOU'RE NOT HELPING ME .... IF YOU'RE NOT HELPING ME YOU ARE GIVING ME PERMISSION TO CARRY ON DOING IT!!!!!!!!! IT'S YOUR FAULT!!!"

Ooooops .... phew - sorry, got a bit carried away there - it just makes me cross. It's like they hold out a stick of help and when you reach for it they turn round and beat you with it!!! xxx

EXACTLY JAN!! I did a letter to the place in Derby today so that they can give it to NHS...will send it to you..I think I got a little carried away and was all over the place, but I think I got my point across! The woman phoned me today but to be honest, there really isnt much they can do...although Tunc is going to take me there a week on Thursday to one of their meetings.

I am going to try the hynotherapy sessions too..well, in the winter..see how it goes. The lady was lovely, but like I said to her, I have all the support I need really,,,I need some help where I am given tools or something open up inside me to help me deal with this problem..make sense?? I just dont want to carry this around with me for ever and a day!!!

So, today

not a good day again.

50gm fruit and fibre

2 x slices WW bread
4 slices turkey rashers
tomato and rocket salad

Salmon wrapped in spinach and puff pastry
sweet pototo

It is what I had inbetween that is the problem...not a good day, not a good day, but eh, such is life :)!!

I have done 10000 steps today..not as many as normal but my legs are still really sore...out walking on Thursday night so need to give them a rest, plus at gym tomorrow!! ahh....

Hive arrived today, bees now in 2 weeks..
Got an email from bro today and he is going to try and come and see me at the end of the month when they fly from Manchester. Just crossing fingers and toes that they do come as I really do need to just face him! I am really excited, I really am.

Still got all these spots and they are angry looking..rather strange, but you know when you dont feel well but cant pinpoint it..that is how I feel. I feel all fuzzy in my head and just not with it! Eh, such is life!!

Had some radish from allotment and turkish lettuce...mmmm....loovly!!!!!!!

RC will be annoyed with me! Need to get back on track ladies....just seem I am just not with it at all .....on my 2nd ltr of water, again not good for me!!!! mmm....right, come on Mrs get your act together!!! tomorrow is another day
Glad you got your point across Iris! Tools are what you need as you say! Grrrr!
You sound as though you have something else going on though - fuzzy and spotty ;) ... sounds hormonal ... what us women have to put up with! xx
Jan beat me to it- it sounds hormonal to me? As a born-again spotty teenager (who's 36! LOL!) I can relate. But in my case I've a suspicion it's pill-related...I just have to convince my GP! (Cause I know better than him!)LOL!
If it continues, it could be worth a trip to the surgery to get your levels checked?
Iris, missy! Your day looks fine ... but what did you have inbetween? :giggle: xx