Scotsmists Take on Life!!!!!! And everything else :-)

I don't know why you feel you need to do exercise Iris!! You're never still! :) xx
hahah- I know!! But, you have met me and there is a lot of me still, so the exercise HAS TO STAY!! Although, I do enjoy it, which is a bonus I suppose..just as well.
Another busy day for our wee Iris, I feel shattered for you hun.
Glad all is going well for you, you do seem so much more positive.

Look at you, cleaning out the local bus shelters - you are a right wee busy bee.
Glad you're feeling so positive Iris, no wonder after all that exercise you do daily. I also love reading your posts, your life is so full and busy. When I finish work all I want to do is sit down!! Lazy me.
Mary - I was pretty annoyed at the state of the bus shelter!!! Still got to do the email to them complaining yet :)

Bev - I sometimes wish I could go home and sit down, I really do!

I have got a 3 month VAT Return to do this week for hubby, with 3 months of accounts, plus this Grant Application which is about 15 pgs long! ....oh, my head hurts thinking about it.

Staying at work till 7pm tonight now, as I have been totally bombarded today (more than I had thought) and well, I am having a wee 10 min breather before I start again!! So, no coreball (it was cancelled AGAIN anyway)!!

I should be stick thin you know!! I should be!!!!! Gonna have words with this body and tell it to wise up a bit!!!

WI tomorrow....yikes :) Actually, looking forward to it and to the aerobics..not found the week difficult at all, apart from that one day where I could have demolished the cheesecake :)

It is so busy on here that I am struggling to keep up with you all!!!!!! hahha......good though :)
hahaha we certainly can yap can't we Iris!! :giggle:
HaHa - it's when we're actually on line at the same time that the posts fly! It was lovely last night, we'd all sort of said night night on here and then my mobile rang and it was Mary!! :D:D I think I may have sounded a bit stupid (no change there then ;)) because it was such a surprise I hardly knew what to say lol!

Can't wait to all get together.

Very best of luck with your wi tomorrow hon - I bet you'll have done great! You may have struggled with the cheesecake thing but you didn't give in! We're out tomorrow night but I'll be checking when we get back to see how you got on :) xx

BTW - You will pace yourself won't you! We can't have you getting run down with all the things you have to do!! xx
I was replying to your post Tanya earlier on when the boss' brother came in!! haha..caught me by surprise, so I had to abandon my reply!! Will reply later.

I will try not to burn myself out...I never know when to stop thought, that is the problem! I think I can do EVERYTHING, when at times I know I cant!!!!

Yes, you can yap! That was lovely you speaking to Mary! awwww.....mind you it is strange..remember when we met, and well it was eh, we have known each other for a bit, but never to hear! It was strange I suppose, but nice too!

Just waiting to go home now...I am exhausted so have 10 mins spare before I make a mad dash for the train.
Thanks Bev

I could as well...enjoying just sitting hear reading posts and drinking my water!

How are you sweetie? You are doing so incredibly well!!
Thanks Iris, yeah I'm doing fine. Only about 8 weeks to go, I think, and can't wait to be finished already. Not struggling or anything just want to get back to reality. Can't wait to go out for meal with my hubby, really missed that. Just miss the socialising side of eating really and hubby has been so patient with me again, he's an angel really, very supportive again.
the 8 weeks will fly past Bev, I am sure of it. It is good that your hubby is so supportive! Know what you mean about the social is amazing how MOST THINGS are involving food!

Are you back to badminton this week? Sure i saw you say that in another post.
No badminton now until September, the winter season. I was told today though that I am in the ladies team and the mixed team for next season! So chuffed!! I was asked the other week which I would prefer to play in and just said either. Emailed today and told I am wanted for both. Couldn't believe it. Good job my club shirt fits me again now and it's also great incentive to keep the weight off once I finish LT.

How's your leg and back now? Better I hope. I'm still getting a few pains down the back of my legs, but it is getting better, at last!
waw!! you must be need to give me a few lessons!! I used to play,,I think I told you all the story once where I ave never won a match !!! hahaa...I am that good, but I used to absolutely love it! Used to play with a group of women..think it was a Monday or Tuesday evening...couldnt do it so much now as I run around too much and my leg would just give way under me and i would put too much pressure on it, but just to play a nice leisurely game would be lovely really!

My back/leg is great at the minute Bev..thanks...even after the run the other night! Havent done much exercise since as I have been too busy! Should really be doing VAT returns now, but brain is pickled after working from 10-7 today without a break.

Poor you...that sciatica is horrid....have you ever tried Albas Oil by any chance? Tunc used to use it when he was doing racing driving and it really helped him with stiffness, he got me into using it and you can put it on neat in areas where it kinda feels really hot and almost burning sensation, but I can feel the difference...smell like a big huge polo mint though!!! :) Might help to relieve the pain.....not sure with your problem.
If you believe in our sort of 'healing' Bev you're welcome too .. never want to push anything like this though so if you're not that way inclined just ignore me ;o)) x
I'm open minded to all sorts of healing Jan, just so long as it works (which I should have said, I know will work!!). The pains are definitely getting better but it's just a slow process, which is a pain in itself!!
Well if it's okay with you then Bev, we'll do it overnight tonight :) x
Bev, I hope you are not in as much pain today, I am sure the healing will really help you.

Iris, I sometimes get the feeling too that you do too much, it might be nice maybe one day a week for you to give yourself a day off, just to catch up with a little 'Iris Time' hun, you really are a busy busy bee.
Never a truer word said Mary!
I feel like I am on a livewire today! Had to train someone today for 2 having to catch up on my work from last week...i feel stretched, and stressed to the hilt at work and home is no better! Stressed about the VAT and stressed about the Grant App, but they have to be done by deadlines,,the first being next week!

Yes, I need some ME time...really need to get to the gym more often and the sauna, etc.. as I enjoyed that, but just never seem to have time!!! MAKE IT GIRL, JUST MAKE THE TIME, THAT IS WHAT I HEAR MYSELF SAYING!!!

Bee man coming tonight! But at RC anyway, and then when I get back will go straight into kitchen to cook, so wont see him.....well, will make a point not to see him to be honest.

Just catching up with a 5 min breather before I do the round of banks!!