Day 3 is going, going strong!!

Loving being back in control.....but did struggle with the food shop, but nothing I couldnt handle
Well, slight change of plans today......I decided I needed to tackle our bedroom, so started to sort out lots of stuff in there, but not finished yet....a job undone but will finish it tomorrow night or Sunday!
We did food shopping,,,hate this...just dont enjoy food shopping, never have, AND HATE UNPACKING EVEN MORE!! Sorry, Jan, I should change this attitude.....need some help..what should I be saying instead

Then unpacked, tried to squeeze everything into an already bulging freezer (with spinach no less)!!! Oh, dear,,,lots of things wouldnt fit, gonna have to cook them!!!
Then was all ready for the gym when Tunc said he was too hubby has a B12 definciency and every 3 months needs injections......a week prior he gets really tired and nervous (grumpy)..he is like this at the minute..I know when it is time for his, he just couldnt be bothered going. Said he would drive me to the health club and he would sit in the car reading his bee book! Silly man........said I would rather run outside, so he went and picked about 4kg of strawberries instead!!!
I did the it all wrong on the last post..haah......
5 mins power walk, 3 mins jog, and I did this 3 times....I had about another 10 mins walk home afterwards. I ran on the Sett Valley trail, which used to be the old railway track and the views are, it was so much better than on a treadmill, and I was careful with my started to ache a little near the end, but fine fact it was fine most of the time. What an achievement, I felt absolutely envigorated and brilliant and well, I just loved took me back!!!!
When I got back..hehehe...I did about 20 mins on the hula, outside......and Tunc went to see another farmer who is giving us masses of manure (oh, lovely), he then went to the other allotment and didnt come back for about an hour or so, as he got talking to everyone!!! He is worse than me.
I then cooked dinner and then Tunc went to see old farmer Ted this time re bees.
I then made a cheesecake (first time ever), a baked one and I will put strawberries on the top tomorrow. I also made some redurrant muffins...have so many redcurrants picked and a bush full still..I am running out of ideas what to do! ANY SUGGESTIONS GREATLY WELCOMED!!!!!! Only so many muffins Tunc can eat as I cant eat them :-(
So, I eventually sat down at around 10:45 tonight and it is well after midnight and I am like a livewire. I have to wait for the cheesecake to cool completely before putting in the fridge anyway.
I cant believe my energy and just loving the control again.
Got a busy day tomorrow especialy with the Grand Prix as well, cant miss that!!! And the pond guy is meeting me at 2.30. I am very excited about this so it means I can finish the Grant Application for the Big Lottery Fund so that we can finish the pond, or start it as the case maybe after tomorrow's meeting.
I have decided I want a new kitchen so now having to look at this..haha.......dont think Tunc knows what to do with me sometimes!!! Need to phone the kitchen designer tomorrow and he said he will come and see us next week, but will go and have a look at some kitchens......would like to go Sunday but doubt it as it is Grand Prix day and well, we probably wont get chance to do anything!
Sorry guys....really waffling but as I said, I am like a livewire tonight and want to just ramble...but I wont, I will go and try and sleep.
Luv ya all!!!!