Scrumbles' after losing a third of me...

Hi Susie, I am ashamed to say that I ended up not going for that walk yesterday (horrid weather :eek:), BUT, I did 20 minutes of hard pedalling on the exercise bike, so I don't feel quite so guilty. And, I have been for my walk today - did it before breakfast to get it over with, lol. Can't say it feels any easier yet, though I suppose I didn't have to stop at all today, so I guess that's an improvement!

This is always the part that I find most difficult. Diet is relatively easy for me because my focus is damn nearly unshakeable once I set my mind to it, but getting fit is another matter. I do have certain structural problems that hinder me more as the years go by, but that's no excuse really. In fact, those problems would hinder me less if only I put a bit of consistent effort into becoming stronger, so I'm crazy not to do it. Need to keep telling myself that!:rolleyes:

Anyway, very much enjoyed my nosh yesterday - downed it all with ease. I'm back to a lower cal day today, which I haven't quite worked out yet but will probably involve cabbage, kale, broccoli and sausages. Perhaps even a carrot or two. (Oh, the excitement of my food diary, eh? Heston Blumenthal I ain't!:p)

Need to do some gardening while it's fine, so I better toddle off...
Well, that was an anticlimax - I stayed the same this week. I guess 4 weeks of losing weight is a bit much to expect for me :/

With the amount I'm eating I realise it will probably be very slow from here, and I'm going to have to live with that. I am eating at BMR, and I don't intend to cut calories yet - been down that road and it doesn't help in the long term. I'll give it another fortnight to see if there is an underlying downward trend that just happened to get masked by water weight or something, then I'll think about making adjustments if necessary. I'm still hitting my Atkins fat/protein/carb percentages every day, and I know I'm not overeating, so I'm happy enough with what I'm doing.

I'm feeling mildly virtuous as I went for my walk this morning. Still no easier, but I guess it's only been a week since I started (impatient? me? never!:p). I'm really hoping to be able to extend it by next week - a mile and a half would be good - but I'm nearly dead on my feet after just over a mile at the moment, so I'll have to see. I remember in the past that once I got going on this programme I was able to build up the distance pretty quickly, but I am older now, so....

Not too sure what I'm eating today, but it will be just the usual stuff - eggs, cheese, fish, maybe chicken for dinner, and cabbage with everything, lol. I used to be able to take or leave cabbage, but since doing Atkins I think it's become my favourite vegetable - weird!:confused::eek:

Off to sauté a nice big pan full for lunch....have a good day folks!
Well done on the walk babes, that is great, and like you say it gets easier every day.

Know what you mean on the cabbage front too - the fact that we can dollop butter all over it is a bonus! :D
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Giving it a fortnight is very sensible. It can be soooo tempting to panic and adjust things week by week, but then you never really know what was working and what was just coincidence. As for not dropping cals - I've been eating at a really high level for me, just under my maintenance level some days - and I still appear to be losing so I agree with you there too.

Well done on the walk! Take your time with it, much better to build fitness up than overdo it and hurt yourself.
Hi scrumbles - agree the key with exercise is just to do it. I dont walk (too boring) but love to dance. I remember my first zumba class - was well obese, didnt know anyone there, didnt know any moves and hid at the back etc. luckily lots of others in the same boat! 10 mins into the 15 min warm up was so red and panting i had to sit down.....
Life moves on - i now go 4-5 times a week, it's addictive and i'm bouncing around the room:). Ok losing weight helps - but getting moving in any way makes you feel great:)
Keep going!
Thanks so much for the encouragement, guys - this place rocks! :D

Went for my walk this morning and it did actually feel a bit easier, and my "recovery time" (ie. flopping sweatily into a chair and panting my head off :p) was definitely shorter, so I think I'm making progress. I've planned a little extra loop into my route tomorrow that will add a quarter of a mile, then a much bigger one that will make a mile and a half total - hopefully I can tackle that by next week. Baby steps...

I'd love to do something more active but with my physical limitations (to do with my spine) I have to start slowly, which really means walking. My hope is that once I get comfortable with my old 3 mile walking route I'll start to feel able to incorporate a bit of running. I will simultaneously work on my core and flexibility, then with a bit of luck I'll be able to do what I actually want to do which is take up racquet sports again. I hate exercise for it's own sake, but I do like playing games. I used to love badminton and tennis (I was good at badminton but pretty rubbish at tennis), and used to play with OH and buddies, but not for quite a number of years, much to my regret. I suppose I could just start playing again anyway, but I want to have enough fitness to actually enjoy it - that's how I roll! :cool:

Food today much the same as usual - 1500-ish cals and 20g carbs, lots of eggs, fish, veg and cheese. OH is doing a one day fast, so I don't have to make him any meals today - yay! :D Less washing-up too - double yay! :D:D

Have a great day, folks!
I've planned a little extra loop into my route tomorrow that will add a quarter of a mile, then a much bigger one that will make a mile and a half total - hopefully I can tackle that by next week. Baby steps...

...or, in fact, today! :D

Got halfway round and felt good so I thought, what the heck, might as well go for it! Nearly killed me, mind you :p And now I've done it once, there's no going back; when I advance the distance, I have to do at least the same the next time I go out - that's the deal. Not looking forward to tomorrow, but it'll be worth it in the end!

I got OH to take my blood pressure after suitable recovery time and was quite surprised by the result. Back in December it was elevated to something like 130/95 (I've always had normal blood pressure, 120/80, in the past); today it was 104/72. I'm not quite sure what to make of that since it's lower than I can recall it at any time I've had it taken. Is it the weight I've lost? Low-carbing? I've only just started exercising so I wouldn't have thought it could be that. It's comfortably within the normal parameters for adults so I'm not concerned, just surprised.

Food today will be 1800-ish cals and 25-30g carbs, and will include strawberries and cream...yay! :D
Retaining water raises your blood pressure (which is literally the only reason there's so much fuss made about salt and even that makes little sense, plus white carbs make you retain just as much and they're never mentioned in health warnings) - so maybe you've dropped a bit more stored water or the exercise is contributing to some lymphatic draining? Either way, nice to have it drop! Mines naturally on the low side, which can be odd sometimes but means I get to enjoy salty food.
Wow that's fab on the blood pressure - mine has dropped too, thanks to low carb - and as Ml says, less salt in your diet so you're shedding the water.

But the exercise defo helps too - a hundred gold stars for doing the extra loop! :)
Retaining water raises your blood pressure (which is literally the only reason there's so much fuss made about salt and even that makes little sense, plus white carbs make you retain just as much and they're never mentioned in health warnings) - so maybe you've dropped a bit more stored water or the exercise is contributing to some lymphatic draining? Either way, nice to have it drop! Mines naturally on the low side, which can be odd sometimes but means I get to enjoy salty food.

Ah, didn't know that - thanks moonlights. Whatever has caused it, I'm glad to see it. My mother has been absolutely convinced this past seven months that "all that fat" must be terrible for me, and that I'm now a heart attack waiting to happen, so it was rather satisfying to be able to tell her about my BP improvement.:cool:

Now all I need is for my resting heart rate to come down. It's always been pretty high, but it was around 100 beats per minute a few months ago. Yesterday it was down to 87 bpm, so it's heading in the right direction. Keeping going with the exercise is definitely the answer there.

It was miserable first thing so I haven't been for my walk (no gold stars for me yet!), but it looks like it's brightening up a bit so perhaps I'll get out in a wee while. (I don't *do* rain :cool:)

Had an interim weigh in this morning (couldn't resist :eek:) and I was 188.5lbs, so down a pound on my last posted weight. Could be a momentary blip, so I won't change my stats/ticker, but it was still nice to see!

Yesterday's food came in at 1770 cals and 25g carbs and wasn't very exciting (is it ever? lol). Really need to get my head in gear and plan some more interesting menus or I will get bored. I haven't made an Atkins meat loaf in a while, so maybe I'll do one of those for tonight - OH loves it, and the leftovers keep me going for a couple of days - result!:D
Thanks, Val!

The rain didn't stay away, but I managed to find a window of (almost) decent weather and did my mile and a half.

Note to self: have breakfast before you go out walking, because you'll feel a lot better for it! Some people do really well exercising when fasting, but not me, apparently. I felt rubbish yesterday walking on just my creamy coffee, but today I felt really good after my cheese omelette - lesson learned!

I have now acquired a new ticker with a very modest walking goal for the rest of June - I am much more motivated if I set concrete goals, so I discover. July's will hopefully be a bit more ambitious, but we'll see. Somewhat depends on what weather we have - if it rains every day I ain't getting very far :p
Nice job on the walking! It's hard to motivate yourself to do especially when there are pain issues but you seem really determined. It's making me realize I need to start getting walks in again, however tired I am.
Morning scrumbles - i never do anything fasting :D. Exercise makes me hungry on top of that as well - but lovely to get out and move;)