Had another sneaky weigh-in this morning and I'm 191.8lbs - finally, officially 50lbs lost!
Soooo relieved that things are on the move again - April and May were
very frustrating months. Apart from my Xmas break, I'd never gone a week without losing something since starting the diet, even if it was only half a pound, so to get completely stuck when I considered that I was still being so dedicated to the process felt like a slap in the face. (I know it happens, but it ain't a good feeling!)
Going back to strict Induction was probably the best thing I could have done because it made me realise just how many things I was eating that could potentially have been stalling me: booze, milk, peanut butter, artificial sweeteners and yoghurt all made regular appearances on my menus and any/all of those could have been to blame.
I've decided that I'm not re-introducing milk until I'm practically at goal - that was a silly thing to mess with. I thought it was okay at the time, but it probably wasn't. I'm not going to have artificial sweeteners either - if the natural sweetness of a food isn't palatable to me, then I'm not going to eat it. That will make it easy to dispense with yoghurt as I hate the sourness of it when it's unsweetened.
As for booze, I've given myself a stern talking to regarding that. There is no shortage of it in the world. It's not like it won't still be there when I get to goal. If I can't give it up for a matter of months to achieve something that means so much to me, that's a pretty poor show. So it's out, completely. No arguments, no excuses.
Bottom line is that I don't want to be messing around at this this time next year. I want to be in maintenance by then, having acquired all the knowledge and tools that I need to stay at my ideal weight (whatever that may be - don't really know yet). And the harsh reality is that I'm not going to get there if I keep kidding myself that "a sip of this is okay" or "a bite of that won't hurt" - it's not, and it will! Go hard or go home.
Oh, and now I'm properly into the 13's, I really can't keep exercise-dodging. No point getting skinny if I still can't walk round the block without thinking I'm dying! I'll get back on the exercise bike to start with (stopped during the hot weather because I'm a total wimp in the heat

), then start a walking programme in a week's time.
In spite of all this, I will no doubt stall again, at which point I will have to re-evaluate. I'll probably try the diet break again - jacking up the cals and carbs for two weeks. I do believe it helped, even if it might have been mostly psychological. I don't think there's any harm in changing the game now and then, as long as you know you will go back on plan.
Phew...epic post!

I feel better for it, though!
Yesterday's food came to 1620 cals and 22g carbs, so I did better on the carb front. Haven't yet planned for today, but it will look very similar, I'm sure!
Hope everyone's having a great weekend!