Scrumpers diary the revenge !!!!

i will pack you in me case lol
Don't you use Skype?!!
not for that will do for other bits andbobs though
why is it when i was a teenager many moons ago being a size 12 was A ok !!!! now unless your a size 6 your fat ....ok i feel fat today
thanks hun :) x

regards dress sizes - totally on the same page with that one.... some of the girls I see out and about today...just seem different from when I was the same age...sparrow legs and no substance to seems there are only 2 body types these days - both at either end of the extremes

and yep I feel fat but not just today :)...x
Funnily enough, coming over to England makes me feel slimmer... A size 14 IS slim in the UK these days!
There's definitely more obesity over here now than in "my day"... but, on the whole, in the cities at least, most seem slim to me.

In the country, in my village at least, people are older and rounder but not obese. They're busy people, hard working too, so sitting around eating isn't something they do...

I just reread what I wrote. Am I saying that overweight people aren't busy or hard working? I certainly used to spend a lot of time on my butt eating! (Still do, mind, just different things!)
morning all ....just got back from my it course argh formatting paragraphs how boring !!!
spent another few quid on phone to Aus last night so my phone bill will be great
food today
B galette 2 poached eggs
Lchicken yogurt and sf jelly
D beef kebabs

if ive not lost this week i will not be a happy bunny even a 1lb will do
morning ...just got back in from a wet town
decided to find a part time job probably only waitressing , just to keep me motivated and the cash will come in handy ....lots of seasonal work down here ...
ok food today
B Galette and poached egg
L omelette and prawns
D chicken!!!!!!!!!!!!!

weigh in tomorrow I had better of lost something after being so good so tempted to get on the scales but im not ...once a week !!!
Good idea Tan... motivational and will keep you busy...

When was your last "off Dukan" day? Is it a week already?
Good idea re the job - I find the days go quicker when I am working! Fingers crossed for you for tomorrow. (Can't believe it's nearly Friday again!)
been good this week !!!!!!!!!!!!! so tomorrow is d day
<tick tock tick tock ... I'm waiting...>
1lb down
think i have to accept now that the losses will be smaller ....couldnt of been much gooder last week ......
have some heavy exercose coming upover the next few weeks so will see what happens ....nearly dropped of wagon last night as OH opened a bottle of wine !! but i was good

got littlest home today sore throat, friend over in a bit and i have loads of photocopying to do thats about my day

B dukan toast and poached egg
L dukan ham sandwich
D beef mustard and onions
going to see what having the dukan bread back in the diet does but not everyday just a couple