Such a good feeling( apart from the burn in my arms and thighs right now lol)
Just thought I'd do a quick review for the benefit of people who might be interested in starting Kettleworx.
Pros - 20 minute 3 x per week sessions - no matter how busy and pushed for time you are I think ANYONE can commit to 1 Hour per week!
You don't need much space at all as there are no 'aerobics' style moves that have you leaping all over your lounge!
QUICK RESULTS!!! I had noticable results after just 2 weeks and have continued to lose inches over the 6 week period( I'll post my latest progress pics with before/after on Friday)
Improvement in strength and general fitness ( I have to climb LOADS of stairs every day and can do it without getting out of puff now. )
Variety - Each week you revist old moves which is good as it allows you to become familiar but there are also new moves slipped in which keeps it fresh.
Fun - There is just something about swinging that bell that makes it so enjoyable and a great way to de-stress!!
Ryan - We love him really
The main areas of my body where I have noticed the best results are my abs, hips and thighs. My arms look more toned but defo not manly muscle and my chest looks more bony(for want of a better word, in a nice way not horrible posh spice bony lol)
Cons - Th Kettleworx programme is quite expensive and inital outlay for buying the bells do add up but i'd happily pay it again and you have sooo many exercises that you can revisit! Of course you don't have to buy the dvds there are great links from Kron you can get on Youtube.
bruises - I'm covered lol It takes a bit of practice getting into the 'swing' of the bells plus i'm generally quite clumsy and bruise like a peach!!
weight sts/gain - This happened to me a few weeks in row but seems the scales are moving again. Can be quite frustrating when you are sticking rigidly to a 'diet' plan but bear in mind I was still losing inches which is just as important.
So in conclusion, the pros far outweigh the cons...happy swinging!!