I've been back from vacation and looking a little more in depth in your thread. Yesterday I saw the cutest Reebook kettlebells and just loved the feel of them. I think I love the handles. Do you know them ? or what should I watch for when buying a kettlebell ? I fell in love with a
nice pink one (forkett), but now seeing the handle makes me rather want the
Reebook one. If you look at the image the handle seem so much more comfy

I was thinking about buying maybe a 5 kg and a 7.5 kilos what do you think ?
So from what I could read I should start with Kettleworx DVD which I saw I can buy from Amazon UK. And then once done, buy the Advanced version of Kettleworx. I'm a little bit put off by some review on Kettleworx, people say that this instructor is quite bad and doesn't do the moves properly. I wouldn't want to hurt myself...Is this true according to your experience ? Also there seem to be a lot of copy and paste in the DVD...
And finally I've read Kron bought the DVD Kettlercise, but I haven't been able to find a review from you afterwards. Maybe I just missed it, the thread is starting to get quite long

There is also a version just for women, anyone knows it ? the reviews are quite good.
That's all for my questions. I hope I don't bother you, i've read all the thread during a long time and these are just questions where I could not find an answer. So I'm not popping out with some questions that have already been answered three times

or at leat I hope not...TFthe replies