Hi girlandthesea I cannot workout in the morning as don't do breakfast (I know!) so don't have enough fuel to swing. Try a few things out to see what works, sorry not very helpful

glad to hear you got over cardio and enjoy core, my fav!

poor Ryan he has been cursed and slated and now rejected lol
good luck for WI tomorrow, and excited to see your photos x
Susie wow your giving it some on the training

well done on your weight loss and really glad to hear how much better your feeling. A lot of bell work your wrist should be in alignment with your arm, but that's not to say you don't need some flexibility depending on the exercise. You will need to consider whether the weight pressing on your straight wrist, or pulling when weight is lifted or hanging is safe for you. I believe that there are kb exercises you could do, but you need to understand how physically it interacts with your wrist and what to avoid. The bells work your joints, which could be a positive, I injured my back and suffered and the bells have really helped me, but I do believe form is a huge factor in training so was conscious of what not to do or modify to work - near enough pain free now
Bugs doing two

good idea not to do three in one day lol Omg that would have been the quickest week 3 was done

hope you get your food back on track, It's Friday tomorrow, nearly the weekend!
Biggy great to hear your up for round 2

sorry to hear you don't appear to have noticed any dramatic change

I agree with that good achy feeling, as you have not had it for weeks perhaps your fitter than you know and should have upped to your 7.5 sooner, round 2 may tell

looking forward to your orange piccies lol
WI for me tonight and I sts

so target minus 2 and very happy