Not so much from a dvd. I bought one once but wasn't too keen. I just learned the moves from youtube, spent some time making sure form was perfect (core engaged, weight distributed in feet correctly, back not loaded, momentum doing the work etc etc) then picked moves I liked. As a basic, I tend to do the following
2 hand swings for 30 seconds
30 seconds rest
2 hand swings for 30 seconds
30 seconds rest
1 hand swings 30 seconds
30 seconds rest
1 hand swings for 30 seconds
30 seconds rest
Clean and press for 30 seconds
30 seconds rest
Clean and press for 30 seconds
30 seconds rest
Snatch for 30 seconds
30 seconds rest
Snatch for 30 seconds
30 seconds rest
Squats for 30 seconds
30 seconds rest
Squates for 30 seconds
30 seconds rest
Thats a pretty good routine for beginners if anyone wants tips. You don't need 20 fancy dvd's and branded KB's or anything. They work for some which is great - everyone should find what works best for them, but don't worry if you don't have a dvd because youtube is an excellent source of info.
Keep it simple, keep it basic. Thats what the russians have been doing for hundreds of years! Only add in more interesting moves when you are confident you have the basic ones nailed.
My next step is to decrease the rest time to 20 seconds. The after a week or so I will try to increase the amount of swings etc I can do in that 30 seconds. Then I will prob move onto a heavier bell. Or maybe cut rest to 10 seconds...haven't decided yet
And to those just starting...yes, it will kill you first time. You will sweat BUCKETS lol..I did anyway but I was very unfit! And don't be surprised if you get Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS). Up to three days after, your muslces might reeeaalllyy hurt. Not like injury pain, which should not be ignored. But each time you load the muscle it will ache, like when you go to sit down you are loading your inner thigh muscles and it might hurt. Its weird though I quite like DOMS lol the pain is a nice one. Gentle exercise, like walking, will help relieve it but it can last a few days. Enjoy it