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Hey claire soz for late reply been out and my fone had no battery, we just went to the carvery so I had dinner then bloody icecream after feel sooo fat now, im just praying I can do this tommoz cse I wanna loose this weight!! An my will power is no good im actually dreadin it and thats not the way to be looking at it, I just felt so **** on that last wk felt like I was dying hahaha!! 1lb aint nuffin hun ull loose that again n,a day god av prob put on bout 5lb I aint even gna look lol!! I just really need to get in the frame off mind hun! I will and am going to, I just think off that dreaded soup yukk!! I put it in a blender and it takes the lumps out but leaves the soup frothy and sooo puts me off! Gna try cooking it another way lol xxxxx