SF challenge: half a stone a month

Moves??? I don't understand what these moves are. I've just been reading about you teeth and ouch nothing worse than tooth ache well a migraine comes very close lol. Good luck for your re start in Feb, i look forward to getting thin with u lot!

Night night sweet dreams 6 and a half hours until i can go home but still have my WW pizza to look forward to yum i hope its good :)
Rowan sorry forgot Feb is only a few days away. I agree with you, as long as we get there and keep going thats the main thing, not when. I am tired of waking in the morning and being disappointed that I have stayed the same or hardly lost so I am taking the attitude Rome was not built in a day.
Deb hope you enjoyed your pizza :p Saw you were still doing well - good stuff :) xxxx

Stig, I think thats the way I've got to think for my sanity LOL. Last time I would get myself so worked up over points of pounds it was ridiculous! I'm just focusing over the 12 months - I would love to be able to ear my good size 14 winter coats next Winter. I could really have done with them in this snow but all that fit was a size 22 jacket I bought in the summer out of desperation :( So thats like my aim I'm focusing on. xx

Well having a bit of an end of month pamper- have shaved everywhere ahem! used coconut body butter so I smell nice!, painted my nails, hot oiled my hair and now got a rinse on - oh plucked my eyebrows too :D
Debs I would love to be brave enough to put a colour through like youve done!
Thought id pop in to see how your maintainings going? (will be good to get tips if i ever have to do this for a while) Restart in Feb is it not? good luck :D
Forgot to say yesterday, great idea the Pics. I still have not got around to taking before and during photos. What do I do with my days!!
we miss you!! xx
Yeh sorry I went awol lol, I had af start on the 2nd so instead of taking a hopeful break at the end of the month I took it at the start because I've been STARVING hungry and gave in to it (hence why I've ben hiding haha) BUt... am back now cos I am committed to the long haul :D Have just done 100 moves and need to buy skimmed milk tomorrow and have a strict month (maybe bar valentines day).
I might also not get weighed till the last day of february, and instead try and up my exercise more and toning up. I need to mix things up this month.
What I've learned though is once a month unless I want to be totally miserable I'm going to have to give myself a break and give in somewhat, then make up for it the rest of the month.

Hope everyone is getting on fine, I will catch up with you all xxx
Have just sorted through half of my old clothes and they are immaculate compared to the tat I'm wearing now! The sooner I am in them the better, I know I will feel much better about being out of the house in them.
I've sorted my size 14 into the chest of drawers - my size 12's in a pile in the corner of the wardrobe... they are on standbye 'just incase' but in all honesty I am just aiming to be a comfy size 14 this time round.
I found a pr of size 16 jeans and some pink stretchy jeans that saw me through a few sizes they were that stretchy... they still had wool tied to the button from when I wore them when pregnant and I wore them for my 13 week scan lol, so they will be good ones to aim for.
Well got half that job done but my cat was whinging outside the door and I was getting knacked so will finish that tomorrow (or whenever!).
God, I really really HOPE I will be back in those clothes!
I put a big mirror up in my sitting room and it's now not so easy to kid myself, if I did at all, as to how big I am cos I can see plenty everytime I walk past, and I did my 'moves' topless infront of it... oh dear lol, not a pretty picture!!!

Well, it's midnight and I am still doing the washing and jobs so better get on I suppose. Back to the grind...
Good to have you back. It seems a few people are having a difficult time at this week, hang in there and those pink jeans will be on before you know it. So good to have you Back.
Like you I have a mirror but mine is in he bathroom so when I get out of the bath I have to face the truth !!
glad ur back and its so good to go through old clothes, all mine are in my mums loft so might have to go and get some down. i have a mirror in my living room so i end up seeing myself when i exercise lol not nice!!
Hey guys, ta for the replies :D
I must admit I'm struggling slightly... without going into too much detail I've got a problem with my coxyic (sp?) going on which is an old injury - and swelling that i've had since i got pregnant... I cant fix my coxyic by losing weight but it would probably ease the pain, and weight loss would probably cure this swelling altogther. i've got it in my hands and ankles right now... but its getting moving is the thing!!
I think weeks 5 and 6 are make or break ones... I'm coming through them and still determined to carry on , but I'm a bit arghhh because I've had a bad start to this month and feel like a whole week was wasted (which it was... but a week in a yrs time when i am slim wont make a jot of difference haha!).....So.... I carry on cos I did sort out all my clothes in advance!!!!!

I've also felt it warming up and thats reminded me of how awful it feels in hot weather having to cover up, and getting all hot and bothered just trying to do your shop... and this year I will have a toddler to keep up with... then I think how i VOWED last year that this summer would be different, how I would be back in my pre-pregnancy clothes.

(I like to prattle I know :D)

So, tomorrow I WILL BE STRICT x 1,000 WITH MYSELF.

This is me Signing off till tomorrow :) xxx
I'm getting nice and hungry but can't make tea yet as my daughter is having a sleep and don't want to risk waking her up so thought I'd come write a bit to take my mind off it.

Last night I got a bit of a fright cos my heart was beating like it was going to burst out of my chest - that was just from getting ready for bed, don't know where it came from but made me think just how unfit I am and if I don't do this I'll die! I always had a struggling weight which was 15 1/2 stone, you know like a top weight that I knew I couldnt handle, and here I am at 17stone... I KNOW for my health I have got to get down to 15 stone just to start feeling comfortable within myself and for things as simple as walking upstairs with a toddler in my arms!
Here's another one -changing the bed is such a task these days, now I remembered this from last time I lost weight how much easier it was doing these simple tasks! I just used to go and do it... now it's a HUGE effort! It's not right... :(
I am going to make a determined effort to get some 'moves' in later, I've got a lot of catching up to do there and i know it was helping get the inches off.
I also realsied that soon I wont have the buggy there as something to hide behind. Right now I'm not so fussed how fat my legs are cos I feel like I can hide them with the buggy but the odd times my dh has pushed the buggy I have been SO self concious and it's not a nice feeling.. it's that 'everyone is watching me and thinks bad of me and is laughing' feeling of paranoia that alot of fat people have (sometimes with good reason).
For me, being obese brings so much self loathing with it... I wish I could be one of these people who are ok with themselves no matter what but I'm just not unfortuantely.