Have just sorted through half of my old clothes and they are immaculate compared to the tat I'm wearing now! The sooner I am in them the better, I know I will feel much better about being out of the house in them.
I've sorted my size 14 into the chest of drawers - my size 12's in a pile in the corner of the wardrobe... they are on standbye 'just incase' but in all honesty I am just aiming to be a comfy size 14 this time round.
I found a pr of size 16 jeans and some pink stretchy jeans that saw me through a few sizes they were that stretchy... they still had wool tied to the button from when I wore them when pregnant and I wore them for my 13 week scan lol, so they will be good ones to aim for.
Well got half that job done but my cat was whinging outside the door and I was getting knacked so will finish that tomorrow (or whenever!).
God, I really really HOPE I will be back in those clothes!
I put a big mirror up in my sitting room and it's now not so easy to kid myself, if I did at all, as to how big I am cos I can see plenty everytime I walk past, and I did my 'moves' topless infront of it... oh dear lol, not a pretty picture!!!
Well, it's midnight and I am still doing the washing and jobs so better get on I suppose. Back to the grind...