Thanks Ladies!!
Well the place was lovely but the hours are a bit iffy. Its not what it was advertised at anyway!So im disappointed but there will be something out there for me!!
Im applying for Uni in Sept anyway so i have loads going for me, if i dont get in ill stick with the OU and get my degree the long way! :giggle:
Today i am thankful, thankful for my ass!!!If i wear my skirt in the right place it sits nucely on my bum and shows it off. I feel like a woman that way :8855:
Im thankful that even though im dieting im not losing my behind as some women who work here have lost it and they look terrible! I think you need a good trunk :8855:
Ha ha!! love it! I too am quite proud of my trunk, although I would happily have it just a little smaller and tighter... My OH is more worried about what happens to my two ladies up top... he was really quite concerned.. I personally dont see their appeal myself, I was beggin my GP to take them away when I was younger.. Ah well!
What are you studying through the OU? I'm just about to start my 2nd module with them of my working with young people degree.
Ahh my OH is quite upset mine have shrunk slightly. I did tell him that they are the right size for the rest of me! He keeps saying theyre goneWell so has the rest of me!
Im doing AA100, The Arts Past and Present, its a mixed course for humanities, im after my English Lit & Lang degree. I start A210, Approaching Literature, in October and im looking forward to getting my teeth into a bit of Shakespear and Charles dickens :giggle:
I did W100, Introduction to Law, last year and got my Certificate in Legal Studies but i decided law wasnt my thing.
I love the OU but it will take me 6 years to get my degree then i have further training to get me PGCE or QTS!!So i thought i'd give applying direct to my local uni a go to see if i can get into Primary Education.
I has plans!!!!
what are you doing yours for?
ooh what a thing to do!I used to love our youth leader as a kid :giggle: Its a good thing to do, changing peoples lives in effect!!
I always wanted to be a lawyer because i can argue with myself in my sleep. Its what im good at, picking out facts etc but i got bored very quickly!
teaching is the only other thing im interested in. I want to make that difference to someones life :giggle: I want to be their role model like some of my teachers were to me! I still see some of my teachers :giggle: Its odd how you change!
:giggle: Thanks guys, it's always seemed so odd to me that at 16 you're expected to know what you want to do with you life!
Anyhow yesterday my tutor phoned to see if i had booked onto another course, they have to do it apparently. So i went through all my plans, she knows about applying to real uni because she wrote my reference so i discussed that and she thinks that any uni who doesnt accept me is mad because im in the top %age of our group!! :giggle:
So today my job share girl started. i am absoloubtly shattered! not her fault, its just exhausting having to train someone when all the knowledge of your job is in your head! she looked shattered when we left at 5pm, i just hope i havent scared her.
I have felt like reaching for that 3 point flapjack i know i've kept hidden in the cupbard. I've stuck to my points all week and i keep thinking "oh it wont hurt" then my other side slaps me right across the face and says "dont cheat you tw..., your only damaging yourself, stupid cow" so i've left in in the cupboard and im now writing an essay thats due in next week.....go me
I weigh in tomorrow. i have a bit of an issue. im going to tesco because i still have no scales but i also have a blood donation to do. now do i go before or after i've lost that pint of blood?! :8855:
Oh and how cool is this -----> :banana dancer: