Shaking it to slimdom!

How difficult are milkshake diets?

Hey Lucy :), it's all in the mind. Shake that weight is amazing, in my opinion, I've previously done lipotrim which is more money, less flavours and not near as nice. Shake hat weight has 4 or so options of diets you can do using their products. But the FACTS are, it works! Very well if you stick to it! But it's also quite hard. Good luck :)
How difficult are milkshake diets?

Hi Lucy,

I suppose at the end of the day it depends on how serious you are about losing weight. The first 3 days are the worse. You may get a headache, tiredness, hunger or even feel cold. Once you enter ketosis, which is the part where your body becomes a fat munching machine you will feel great and the weight will come off.

Some people will tell you that it's not worth it because you will put it all straight back on again. As with any weight loss programme, if you go back to your old eating habits the weight will return. I went from 20.2 to 11.8 in 10 months and come back to VLCD's once a year to lose a couple of stones which takes me a couple of months and is a far cry from having to shift over 8 stones.

You are not limited to just shakes either, you can have porridge, soups and bars as well as shakes. You do have to drink at least 2 litres of water a day to flush the fat away. For some (myself included) this is the most difficult part!

Hope this helps.

Hi all! I've lost the plot diet wise! Still having a shake in morning but the rest of day goes to pot! I'll get back into it though just seem to be having problems left right and centre.... Hope everyone doing well though and I will b back!! Watch this space! Xxx
Hi all! I've lost the plot diet wise! Still having a shake in morning but the rest of day goes to pot! I'll get back into it though just seem to be having problems left right and centre.... Hope everyone doing well though and I will b back!! Watch this space! Xxx

Beth you're grieving at the moment and are in a bit of a turmoil. Give yourself a bit of breathing space, you need it. Don't lose sight of your dreams babe x

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Beth you're grieving at the moment and are in a bit of a turmoil. Give yourself a bit of breathing space, you need it. Don't lose sight of your dreams babe x

Thanks Jayne! Funeral is on october 2nd, and son been having loads of issues at school, and then i dropped my phone and now awaiting replacement! But hey if its all going to go wrong, lets get it over and done with ay! lol Had a shake this morning, about to have 2nd shake! could today be the day i get back on track?? who knows! xx
Thanks Jayne! Funeral is on october 2nd, and son been having loads of issues at school, and then i dropped my phone and now awaiting replacement! But hey if its all going to go wrong, lets get it over and done with ay! lol Had a shake this morning, about to have 2nd shake! could today be the day i get back on track?? who knows! xx
Good for you lovey! Great to see you on the site again.

Sounds like you've had a crappy month up to now. They say things happen in 3's and you've had yours now for a long time all being well.

Once your lad is sorted at school and the funeral is over you'll feel a lot more like your old self. It's a long time that you're having to wait for your nan.

On the plus side - if there could ever be a plus side to such an occasion, you can have another half a stone off by then and be a good dress size down.

Look after yourself Beth, we are here for you if you need us x

Good for you lovey! Great to see you on the site again.

Sounds like you've had a crappy month up to now. They say things happen in 3's and you've had yours now for a long time all being well.

Once your lad is sorted at school and the funeral is over you'll feel a lot more like your old self. It's a long time that you're having to wait for your nan.

On the plus side - if there could ever be a plus side to such an occasion, you can have another half a stone off by then and be a good dress size down.

Look after yourself Beth, we are here for you if you need us x


Thanks Jayne! xxx
Hey Beth, sorry to hear of all your troubles, you sound like you're keeping strong tho. Everything will fall into place for you hun, including the diet when the time is right! Well done for still trying and not giving up, you're a fighter! Miss your chats on here, hope u keep in touch! All the best x
Hey Beth, sorry to hear of all your troubles, you sound like you're keeping strong tho. Everything will fall into place for you hun, including the diet when the time is right! Well done for still trying and not giving up, you're a fighter! Miss your chats on here, hope u keep in touch! All the best x

Hi Nix! Yeah i miss chatting on here! Harder to get on during the week as have no phone! grrrr! Just had my second shake, and getting that happy feeling i had when i started this journey! I feel an early night coming on! I knoq i have put on, so i am not weighing myself ( putting my head in the sand!) Just got to get back into the loop of this! You are doing fab hun! Well done u! xxxx
Hey all! Not sure if my thread in right place or not! Admin can u have it in the shake the weight forum... Pleaseeeee

I'm starting again today! Urghhhh back to 20stone and I deserve to b at what I have been eating! Crazy as I haven't even been hungry, it was almost like self harming myself.... Crazy! Anyway..... I am back today and have got couple of outings ur a funeral and Harry potter coming up but I can do protein and shakes on those days! I have also got the bars now! Xx
Oh I here!! Yeyyy! Loving the new forum!! Thanks needham for suggesting and admin for arranging xx
Thanks girls!!

Well you wont bloody believe it, but i got through today!!! I have had the bars, and that really helped! The evenings have been my downfall, and the fact i am skint and i had the bars was a huge help!! So one day down, lots more to go, but i have the back up of being able to have a protein meal, and the bars! I have resisted a buffet at work today, while everyone ate, i sipped my water, but as i said its the evenings when that little fat devil comes out and whispers in my ear! I have to keep at this, or i know my health will make me do it, and i really dont want that to happen!! xx
Evenings are my downfall too. I have had to teach myself not to snack. It was habitual for me, but having the will power to not pick soon helped to break the bad habit.

Well done for resisting the buffet. I love a buffet. Stick at it chick. Try to remember how fab you felt when getting on the scales and seeing a loss.

Am not expecting much this week as I havent been that great. Any loss will do though.

Am rooting for you.

Charliw xx
Thanks Charlie!! Just taking it a day at a time, and if i fail one day, then the main thing i want to do is make sure that one day doesnt turn into a week!! xx
That is quite a story nice. I am nice on my process to a weight loss. Hopefully I will be able to rich my aim. You people inspire me. But I still have a question: What makes you stay strong and not wanting to eat foods that make us big?