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Dont forget frozen jacket potatoes have syns, the rices to microwave unless dry have syns as they have oil in them they vary between 1 and 6 syns depending on the flavour
These are my essentials (again, minus most of the fruit & veg)..

Chopped tomatoes
Maris piper potatoes
Minced beef
Baked beans
Cathedral City lighter (40g=hexa)
Nandos chip sprinkle
Special k chewy delight cereal bars (1=hexb)
Activia 0% yoghurts
Weight Watchers Dessert yoghurts
Weight Watchers Petit Pain (it's white & 1=hexb)
Weetabix (2=hexb)

Meringue nests (3)
Daim/Dime Bars (7.5)
Galaxy Ripple (8.5)
Milky Way (5)
Kinder medium (6)
Curly wurlys (6)
Mini Twister lollies (2.5)

Oh yeh forgot about the twisters!
Ooh that's cheeky of them with the packet rice...and there was me assuming that they were free!
My Aldi/farmfoods receipts from today.
Spent a lot but as it was a big shop after my hol I don't think was too bad.


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general sw shopping list

Hi all, have done sw before but over the last year I have not really stuk to it. New start this wed though and would lile to get a head start and go shopping this weekend. A list of what everyone needs on their shopping would be great. Thanks in advance!
Cupboard- frylite, beans, sweetcorn, mushy peas, tinned toms, passata and puree, fish in spring water, mug shots, low fat supernoodles, rice, pasta, soy sauce, worcester sauce, stock cubes, all herbs and spices.
Alpen light bars, low syn crisps..i use quavers. Options hot chocolate.
Onions. Mayflower curry sauce. Crispbreads. Oats. Sugar free squash. Diet pop.

Fresh- potatoes, all veg fruit and salad, muller light yogs. Eggs, low fat cheese, tomatoes, carrots. Skimmed milk. Meat ( no fat) cottage cheese.

Freezer- quorn products, garlic, peppers, chicken, prawns. Any veg.
My list for basic shopping is normally as follows:-
Fruit- bananas, clementines, apples, anything else on offer

Vegetables - Leeks/potatoes (for soups), peppers, mushrooms, onions, chillis, butternut squash, beansprouts (anything else on offer)

Salad - lettuce, tomato, cucumber, celery

Fridge food - muller lights, cheese, cottage cheese, laughing cow triangles, ham/chicken, bacon, low fat sausages, seafood sticks (sometimes some fresh fish)

Cupboard essentials - passata, chick pea Dahl, beans, spaghetti, tuna, tinned tomatoes, herbs/spices, eggs

Bakery - wholemeal bread rolls, 400g wholemeal loaf

Freezers - mixed veg, chicken pieces, quorn

Hope this helps- this is basically what I bought in asda yesterday for this week and think the bull came to about £30 - they are competing with aldi and a lot of the veg/salad was reasonably cheap!
We did a big shop yesterday and our essentials have become activia 0% yogurts (thicker and, at the moment, cheaper than mullerlight), cottage cheese, fruit and veg that are on offer or yellow stickered (8 bananas for 40p yesterday), bacon (which I cut the fat off), turkey mince, alpen light bars (which are on offer in tesco at the mo). Hope it helps.
Back on plan after a LONG break and went for a big Aldi shop yesterday to restock essentials :)


Passion fruit
Huuuge bag of potatoes
Green beans


Light butter
Fat free yoghurt
Skimmed milk


A whole chicken
Lamb mince
Lean diced beef
Wafer ham


Tinned spaghetti
Tinned potatoes
Red pesto
Kidney beans


Small wholemeal loaf
Hot cross buns (NOT MINE haha!)

All this to go along with other staples we always have in the cupboards/fridge (onions, rice, pasta, cous cous, beans, lentils, frozen fish, frozen quorn mince etc etc :p)

Oh! And we have chickens so there are always eggs about :)
Take a trip to Aldi & buy the forest fruit yogurt 4 for 99p! Free! except for the peach ones which are 1.5 syns.............
Food shop

Going food shopping tomorrow what are your essentials? What's on your cupboards and fridge
Mine are wholemeal bread, rice, pasta, chopped tomatoes, passata, eggs, baked beans, spices, dried herbs, soy sauce, worcestershire sauce frozen veg, garlic and onions. I find these are my most needed, and there is fast meal options here too when I can't be bothered cooking :D
Getting a shop from Iceland delivered tomorrow. Mostly freezer stuff that I can cook from frozen on busy days. Chicken breasts, beef roast, gammon roast, sliced chicken tikka etc. Cupboards are full of everything I need already as I like to stock up on tins of things and tomato purees etc.

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