Yesterday was a really nice day. Drank way too much, so suffering today!!
Food wise I was quite good, I had no puddings or sweets.
I got lots of lovely pressies, including 3 bottles of champagne and a crate of wine.......what do people think of me!!!
My daughter loved it and it was so nice watching her excitedly unwrap all of her pressies

Today we are setting our spare room up as a gym, so hopefully it will motivate me to use it. I am in a bad habit where I am only running and not doing anything else, so always using the same muscles. I have a x-trainer and a bike, so going to make more effort to use them.
I am not planning to exercise today, well unless my head stops banging and I actually feel like it, get the feeling I won't be though. Lounging in front of the tv sounds a much better idea!
Planning a 9 mile run 2moro though, so need to do a bit of detoxing now!!!